Title: Sonata
Pairing: House/Cuddy (Canon can suck it)
Warnings: Some difficult material in later chapters and some moderately naughty bits in this one.
Summary: "She sees their child’s eyes, sapphire and slate and aquamarine, a thousand shades of blue in rapid succession." House and Cuddy face a new chapter in their relationship.
Disclaimer: I don't
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Comments 21
Your prose is stunning. Your characterizations are amazing. The whole thing has this languid, warm velvet feel. It's beautiful and engrossing. I can't wait for more, though your note has made me apprehensive.
I love that Rachel squealed...naturally. :-)
And therapy...be still, my heart.
I love your description of languid and velvet, although I suspect House would have something naughty to say about other warm, velvet things.
I'm so glad you took your time and re-found your writing mojo on this. The voices are fantastic and your prose is *so* sharp. I love how, in their own little ways, H&C are both working toward coming to terms with their own roles, as potential parents and as a couple as well.
Wonderful update; many, many thanks.
Aww, a baby with his eyes, it's just so cute. Normally I try to stay away from baby fics, but this is just wonderful. It is so believable. I cannot wait for this story to be updated. Good job!
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