Syllabus and Course Requirements for Conflict Resolution

Jan 01, 2007 11:58

Syllabus for Conflict Resolution

Objective: Many of you will face conflicts of various size and magnitude in your lives. This class will study the necessary tools for managing and resolving conflict ranging from interpersonal to inter dimensional. There will be intense focus on the practical application of the techniques and methods studied in class with live exercises held in the Danger Room for some class periods.

IC: There will be two tests worth 10% each, a midterm worth 20%, a project worth 15% the Final 25% and due to the heavy class participation of this course attendance and participation will be worth 20%.

OOC: Consider this your OOC warning that if your character does not at least sign in for class 3 times without an IC or OOC excuse, your character will be given detention. If you receive 2 such detentions (miss 6 classes without OOC or IC notification) your character will be graded DNF (F) in the course.

Handwavey of tests is acceptable but interaction is always love.

Here is Wilson’s Voicemail or you can reach me at Seregill @ AOL Dot Com. I don’t bite I promise and all I need is a quick “real life eating me, can’t make class” and we’re all good. This information is also on my profile page if you need to get in contact with me.

Office Hours: Tuesdays 9:30am - 12:00pm and by appointment.

The Syllabus

Week 1: Jan 8-12 - Core Concepts: In this class we will do an overview of the core concepts of what conflict is and how conflict management and resolution can be applied to help resolve our differences. A class activity will be used to help illustrate the idea of interpersonal conflict and to give the students a baseline of their own resolution skills at the start of class.

Week 2: Jan 15-19 - Types of Conflict: This class will focus on the different types of conflicts. Students will be asked to provide examples of conflict management for each type of conflict discussed in class.

Week 3: Jan 22-26 - Various means to manage conflicts. A review of the various means and manners in which conflicts can be resolved, ranging from face to face negotiation to more aggressive conflict resolution styles.

Week 4: Jan 29-Feb 2 - Test - Danger Room: This class will revolve around a conflict scenario that will divide the class into groups with each group having to manage and resolve a conflict with their fellow class groups.

Week 5: Feb 5-9 - The Peace Process: In this class we will discuss the peace process, it’s strengths and weaknesses in resolve a conflict both short term and long term. Students will be given an exercise in which they have to resolve a conflict with another student in a peaceful manner.

Week 6: Feb 12-16 - The Mediation Route: Discussion will resolve around the idea of mediation in a conflict and how it can be used to help get a peaceful dialogue going between conflicting parties. An class exercise will see students divided up in groups of three, alternating roles between the conflicting parties and the mediating party.

Week 7: Feb 19-23 - Midterm Test - Danger Room: For your midterm you will be placed in a Danger Room scenario where you will have to mediate a peaceful process resolution between two warring tribes. Students will need to be able to identify the type of conflict at the root of the disagreement between the two tribes and then work to come to a peaceful, long term solution.

MID-TERM BREAK: Feb 26-Mar 2

Week 8: Mar 5-9 - Irreconcilable differences: What does it mean with the differences between two people or two people(s) are simply too insurmountable? How can the conflict be managed in a positive manner for both sides?

Week 9: Mar 12-16 - Communication Skills and Techniques: In this class the importance of good communication will be studied. An exercise showing the effect of faulty communication and communication breakdown will be performed in class with a discussion of how communication can be kept open and clear at the end of the class.

Week 10: Mar 19-23 - Interpersonal Conflict: We always hurt the ones we love. This class will delve into the unique conflicts that arise when people who are close to one another come up against fundamental differences. Discussion will revolve around ways to protect the close relationship while learning to manage and resolve the conflicts.

Week 11: Mar 26-30 - Test - Danger Room: In this test students will be given a scenario in which communication between related parties has broken down. They must identify the source of the breakdown and work with the conflicting family members to resolve the conflict and rebuild the relationship.

Week 12: Apr 2-6 - When All Else Fails: What happens when all peaceful means of conflict management and resolution have failed and violence is inevitable? This class will be taught in two parts. The first dealing with the breakdown in all non violent means of conflict resolution and what it means when violence becomes inevitable.

Week 13: Apr 9-13 - Rebuilding: How to recover and rebuild positive relationships (interpersonal to interdimensional) after a violent episode. Students will continue to work with their post war scenarios to come up with long term solutions to make certain that the same conflicts do not repeat themselves.

Week 14: Apr 16-19 - Review for Final, turn in projects.

Week 15 (Exam Week): Apr 23-27 - Final

syllabus for conflict resolution, ooc

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