Jun 03, 2006 10:53
Want milk.
Was the first thought that slipped through James Wilson’s mind as he woke up. He was thirsty and he wanted some milk.
Sitting up in bed, he grumped softly as the thick, heavy, annoying blankets tried to push him back down on the bed.
Ooof, no, bad blankie, naughty blankie, blankie yuk.
When small hands proved ineffectual against the large, overstuffed goose down comforter, he took to kicking at the covers until he managed to get them off past his feet.
Huffing, he turned onto his little stomach and scooted towards the edge of the bed. Hanging off the mattress, he grunted a bit as his little feet swung about a foot in the air and then his lower body was caught by gravity and pulled downwards to the floor.
Landing, he lost his balance and fell back on his butt.
“Bump, bump…ow.” He exclaimed with a small frown but when no one rushed over to him, fussing in that glorious way that adults liked to fuss over boo boos, he shrugged it off and got up to his feet.
Milk, want milk.
Milk would be in the tall box that was cool when Mummy opened the door. Down the stairs…okay, where were the stairs, hmmm.
Somewhere, in the toddler brain, James Wilson retained some of his memories because he padded off across the room towards the door that would lead to the stairs, repeating as he went.
“Wan miwk.” Since Ls were slightly beyond his current language skills.
[ooc: Open for IC interaction, if you have cause to come by the Brownstone, or perhaps get a worried call from Kiki!!]
beau jardin,
the brownstone