FIC: The Right Kind of Wrong ( 2 / ? )

Sep 15, 2007 14:19

Title: The Right Kind Of Wrong ( 2 / ? )
Characters: Owen Harper/OFC
Rating: PG right now
Warning(s): none at the moment
Spoiler(s): Not at the moment really, although we are about to cross over into the post-Countrycide timeline.
Summary: Being an med intern is never easy. Especially if you find yourself suddenly working for Torchwood.
Disclaimer: Alas, I do not own Torchwood and its associated characters and places and things. I wish I did, but I don't.

Author note: Now with beta! Thank you to
bellasianna ,
stopwatch_happy , and
mrs_cj_harkness for helping me pretty up this chapter. You can read the first chapter HERE.


Kayla looked from the entrance back to Owen, hesitant about moving forward, not sure what was happening.
"And we’re back to playing statues," Owen quipped, an amused look on his face. She glared at him, opening her mouth to tell him off as he stepped back around the counter towards her. She snapped her mouth shut and took a quick step back from him, eyeing him warily. Owen sighed in exasperation.

"I don’t bite," he told her, reaching out to grasp her arm firmly and tugging her towards the entrance to the hallway. "Unless you ask me very nicely, that is."

He didn’t miss the slight blush that crept across her cheeks. He laughed silently to himself, enjoying baiting her. It was always fun teasing the newbies, especially if they were as attractive as this one. He let his eyes wander over her as he guided her into the dimly lit hallway and towards the lift at the far end. She had waist length black hair, pulled back into a loose ponytail at the base of her neck. A few strands had escaped from the clip and she had a nervous habit of playing with them, twisting them around her fingers or smoothing them behind her ear. Her slender build was complimented by how she was dressed, black tailored slacks and a deep purple blouse topped by a black leather blazer.

She noticed his inspection of her and jerked her arm out of his grasp. Quickening her steps down the hallway, she stepped into the lift and turned to face Owen as he entered it behind her. Hitting a button, he turned to face her as the doors slid shut and the lift jumped to life, going down. Leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, he grinned. He just grinned at her.

"What?" she snapped at him, getting tired of being stared at.

"Tsk, tsk, Ms. Michaels. Are you always so touchy when meeting new people?"

"Just with the ones who appear to be arrogant bastards," she shot back, pasting on an innocent smile. Owens momentary look of surprise quickly turned to laughter.

"So the kitten has claws," he choked out around his amusement. " I will have to remember that."

The lift came to a halt and doors slid open again. Owen stepped out, still laughing and motioning for her to follow him. She trailed slowly behind him, seething inwardly but restraining from giving him the kick she felt he completely deserved. Following down the few steps, she forgot her annoyance as she took in the sight that greeted her as she passed through the rounded doorway at the bottom.

"What the hell……?" she whispered to herself, taking a few hesitant steps into room. It was like a mix of an old subway station and a mad scientists lair. She couldn’t believe her eyes and what she was seeing. "Where the hell am I?"

"Torchwood," a new voice said cutting across her thoughts. She turned to see several people watching her from a group of workstations to her left. Owen had gone up the stairs leading to them and was now slouched in a chair, watching her. He winked and grinned at her as he met her eyes before she determinedly turned her gaze away from him to the man who had just spoken. Squaring her shoulders and taking a deep breath, she hurried up the stairs to the group.

"Kayla Michaels, intern, reporting for duty," she stated, holding out her hand. He grasped it firmly, shaking it, and smiling at her. She smiled back, finding his grin infectious for some reason.

"Captain Jack Harkness," he said, introducing himself. "Leader of Torchwood. Let me introduce you to the rest of the team. You’ve met Owen Harper already, of course."

"Unfortunately," Kayla muttered under her breath.

"Ouch, way to wound a man, kitten," Owen shot back, miming being stabbed in the chest. "And here I thought we were getting on smashingly, you falling at my feet and everything."

"You wish," she snapped back, flushing as she realized that everyone was looking back and forth between their banter. She turned her back on Owen, as Jack laughed heartily. He motioned to a pretty Asian woman sitting at a bank of computer equipment.

"Toshiko Sato, our resident computer genius."

Toshiko smiled at her in welcome before turning back to her computer screen, fingers flying over her keyboard.

"Gwen Cooper, former police officer, now invaluable member of the Torchwood team."

Gwen nodded to Kayla, before moving to lean against Owen’s desk. Kayla was sure that there had been a momentary flash of hostility in Gwen’s eyes before she moved away. Sure she had imagined it, she shook it off.

"And finally, the man who really keeps us from falling part, Ianto Jones. Makes a damn good cup of coffee and looks good in a suit whilst doing it."

"I’ve said it before, sir, that’s harassment," Ianto replied back with a small smile on his face that said he was anything but harassed. As he stepped forward to shake Kayla’s hand, she caught a look between him and Jack that spoke volumes.

"Now that you’ve met the team, come into my office," Jack said, turning and heading for a room just past Owen’s desk. "It’s time you found out what this is all about. Welcome to the job that will change your life forever."

"Later, kitten," Owen said as she hurried past him, giving her a mock salute. He laughed at her if-looks-could-kill glare. Her eyes briefly met Gwen’s and this time Kayla was sure that there was an open look of hostility there.

character: owen harper, fic: right kind of wrong

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