Fanfic: Sands of Time [ 4 / ? ] Reaper!McCoy / Reese!Chekov

Feb 25, 2010 00:16

Title: The Sands of Time
Rating: M
Fandom(s): Star Trek XI, DOOM, Terminator Salvation
Disclaimer: Okay, if I owned ANY of these (other than on DVD) would I be writing this? I think not.
Warnings: MASSIVE CROSSOVERNESS, AU, OOCness, m/m relations, language, violence
Summary: Kyle Reese, as a Resistance fighter, was practically made sterile due to nuclear radiation so had to become the test subject for a drug that would regenerate radiation damaged tissue… and as such became essentially immortalized. In the year 2046, he met a former Marine codenamed Reaper, recently fired from the RRTS after the massacre of the UAC base on Mars and they formed an unbreakable bond. Centuries pass and face a new future, a new set of lives, in Space as Starfleet officers. Will their bond survive the test of space travel and exploration with Starfleet?




Somehow that crazy mother fucker did it! Somehow they had managed to save the world without killing themselves in the process (though that was a near thing). Nero was long gone, no doubt mangled in whatever part of space that black hole decided to occupy this time. Kyle was both relieved and frustrated by this and his fellow helmsman, Lieutenant Sulu, seemed to agree. Thank fucking God. They may not have warp power anymore since they had had to detonate their core to get out of there but hell, they could use the extra three weeks of relaxation as the impulse powered their way home. Alpha shift, now that everything was cool, was finally allowed to go.

As soon as the replacement navigator arrived, Kyle saved his settings and logged out of the system, practically jumping up gleefully to let her take his seat. He needed to unwind from that trip then sleep for the next few days preferably, wrapped in John’s arms as much as possible. He’d have to check on that as soon as he made it back to his quarters. Pavel was still seventeen for a few more weeks but it wasn’t as if he was going to let that kind of thing stop him from falling into his longtime lover’s arms now. He sighed contently as he got into the turbo lift and directed it to the crew’s quarters. He didn’t notice until the doors closed that he was sharing the space with Sulu, who was looking at him oddly.

He blinked and straightened, trying to look more “adult” than this kid should look without looking too comfortable in his own skin. He waited for the other man to realize he was staring and look away but he didn’t. So what better way to make the kid uncomfortable than to call it to his attention? He cleared his throat then turned to look at him, a blondish eyebrow quirking. “Can I help you meester Sulu?”

The guy blinked, then blushed and looked away. Good. “Ah, it’s nothing really, Ensign. Just wanted to tell you that you did a really awesome job over these last few days and uh… thanks… for, you know. Saving my life.”

Okay… that was one of the more awkward thanks he had gotten from someone. He wanted to answer sarcastically, perhaps even a bit mockingly but that wasn’t Pavel’s character. He had to stick with this fake persona until he got to John’s quarters.  “You are velcome,” he said with a smile on his face, as fake as the accent was.

He turned his attention back towards the doors, watching the numbers fly by as the lift slowed down a bit. He didn’t expect the pilot to walk over to him and grab hold of his arm, startling him. He managed to beat down his instinct to punch the man who grabbed him so suddenly, but it was a near thing. He supposed the guy must have noticed it when he tensed up because the hand suddenly let him go. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to hurt you.”

Hurt? What the- “Nyet, eet did not hurt,” Pavel said, shaking his head, “you just startled me. I vas lost een my zoughts again.” He tilted his head. “Vhat do you need?”

That blush from earlier darkened a bit. “I was wondering if, maybe, you’d like to have dinner with me later, you know, after you’ve slept and stuff.”  How sweet. An old man blush as he asked out a kid a good four years younger than he was.  He was going to ignore the fact that in some countries that still existed on Earth, Pavel was still considered a minor and so anything that happened between them would be considered illegal. Hell if he was going to sleep with John tonight, as was the plan, that entire aspect had to be thrown out the window. Not that it was the truth but still.

The better question to worry about now was his answer. Until Pavel was eighteen Kyle couldn’t very well make it obvious just who it was he was fucking but at the same time to agree to this would be like cheating on John and that was something he knew better than to attempt to do while they were trapped in an enclosed space for however long it would take to get back to Earth and then on the five year mission they were signed up for. Kyle had been unfortunate enough to see John Grimm when his temper was riled and it was during those times he really understood why it was the man was called “Reaper” in the marines.

But this Sulu kid wanted an answer so he pretended he just caught onto the second meaning to the question. “Ah, you mean as date?” He got a nod in response and then pretended to deliberate some more. “Vell, let me zink about eet seence I am vay too tired to really decide some zing so important right now.” More like he had to talk it over with John. “But I vill comm you about my ansver after I hawe rested. Vill zis be okay?”

The lift came to a stop and the doors opened, letting both of them off on the officer’s deck. Sulu still wouldn’t look at him, probably from embarrassment. If they had a relationship, he got the feeling, it wouldn’t last very long.  Plus he’d have to keep up this stupid act in the bedroom and that was something he wasn’t entirely sure he could manage. John had told him multiple times his accent slipped up when he got really hot and bothered. Besides, this guy would never be able to keep up with him. Poor kid.

“Yeah, I guess that’s fine.” He finally looked up. “I guess I’ll talked to you later then, Ensign.”

Oh, smooth move there, sir. Remind the kid he’s a lesser being by talking rank. Kyle’s expression betrayed nothing but his thoughts were far from indifferent. This guy was horrible at this. “I vill. Zank you for ze eenvite anyvay.”

Kyle then turned on his heel and forced himself to yawn before making his way down the hall to where his quarters were, deciding that he’d stop in there real quick to take care of some minor stuff before going to take care of his more carnal need to be with his lover. It wasn’t that far down and the code was way too easy to hack.  He’d have to fix that later.

The door slid open and he stepped inside, commanding the lights to seventy-five percent as he stripped off his uniform shirts and tossed them aside. In the second it took for the room to light up he had to admit, he hadn’t prepared himself for something quite this… industrial. A bed, a closet, a desk with a lamp, some shelving, and apparently a shared bathroom. Fine. He could handle that, for the few times he planned on sleeping here. He was just mildly disturbed by how sterile and blank it all looked. It kinda reminded him of housing he used to stay in not too long after the second Judgement Day.

Shaking his head out of his memories, Reese started unpacking his basics, including the civvies he was planning on wearing now. He knew John had a preference for the very casual-sexy look and he had just the thing.  He tossed a black t-shirt onto the bed and then a pair of faded blue jeans. He didn’t need to add the socks and he was already wearing John’s dog tags. All he needed was for these clothes to last him until he got back to the other man’s quarters. That shouldn’t take too long.

So he sat on the bed -a disgustingly firm one- and took off his boots and socks, deciding that he’d just go barefoot until he was ready to head out again. He wiggled his now free toes, wincing as he heard and felt the pop. His feet were grateful for it. God damn those boots were uncomfortable as fuck. Who designed those things? Some medieval torture advisor or something?

Kyle let his feet relax for a few seconds before standing again and dropping his pants and briefs, digging through his bag for the other set. While he was searching, the PADD he had been assigned, one he didn’t notice until now since it had been sitting at the foot of the bed, went off. He sighed and continued his search, finally finding the pair he was looking for. He slipped them on just in time for the PADD to go off again. What the hell?

He got the jeans on and buttoned them with one hand while he accessed the messages he had gotten. One was from McCoy_Leonard and the other was from Kirk_James. Hm. How interesting. He managed to get the zipper up while looking over McCoy’s message, smiling to himself as he read it. Oh John. Poor thing must have been very stressed to send such a clearly urgent message. Kyle couldn’t wait to get the stress out of that man’s system. But before that he’d have to see what Kirk wanted. He switched messages as he fought to get the decently tight t-shirt on. Once it was on, he pulled his dog tags from underneath the shirt and let them chime against his chest and each other and bent over to read it.

But before he got beyond the first paragraph, the chime to hid door rang and without really thinking about it, he called for the person to enter. It was a small room so he barely had time to look up before Jim Kirk was in his personal space (again), though this time with a far more confident, though tired smirk. He blinked up at the guy but didn’t say anything. He’d like the acting captain handle this one.

“You know, Ensign-” Kirk said after a minute, his smile growing wider and more lecherous. Kyle’s hand unconsciously curled into a fist at these words by his side. “-I know you’re not as innocent as you tried to make yourself out to be this trip.” A hand reached out and brushed his lean face. “And I know your John Grimm isn’t up here…”

“Meester Kirk,” he said, proud of the fact that he had technically graduated, hence his legitimate rank, whereas this schmuck had yet to figure his shit out and earn his rank, “I vould suggest you keep your hands to yourself. Your adwances are unappreciated.” His tone may have been a bit more threatening than his usual but that’s what happened when someone tried to fuck with him -literally and figuratively- who wasn’t John.

He moved to get around the acting captain only to have the man grab his arm and throw him back onto the bed. Kyle cursed how light this body was but was able to roll quickly onto his back before Jim climbed over him, pinning his wrists down with his own weight. The soldier growled and fought the grip with the strength he knew Pavel was thought to possess. He was actually a little stronger than he looked though that was because he had been fighting for his life for a few centuries and knew better than to let himself get out of shape. “Get off me!” he hissed, letting the Russian accent he was faking get a bit heavier, a bit darker, “Let me go Kirk!”

Jim didn’t seem to be listening. He shifted his heavier body, focusing on keeping Pavel pinned down, waiting patiently until he had given up the fight. As if he would! Damn it, he thought he had finally gotten away from jackasses like this when he had up and left Russia to get his ass in space! Still, it was stupid to fight now so he relaxed and set his jaw. He’d give it another go in a minute.

“There we go,” Kirk said, carefully shifting himself so he could lean closer, “I knew you were only fightin’ to put up a front. A pretty young thing like you can’t stand to be celibate for too long.” His nose brushed Kyle’s. There was no missing how much the stress of the last few days had taken it’s toll on him. “Let me make you feel real good.” He dragged both wrists up to where they could be held by only one hand and moved to free the other one. Thank god for idiots.

Just as Jim’s hand moved to slip under his shirt and his lips went to press kisses to Pavel’s neck, Kyle decided enough was e-fucking-nough and wrenched one hand free from the grip this physically older man had on it before, as quick as a whip, he managed to slip out from under Kirk and pin the man to the bed, using his strength rather than his weight and the leverage of the arm he had pinned behind the man’s back at such an awkward angle to keep him still. “Don’t you dare fuckin’ move, Kirk,” he hissed, dropping the pretense of the Russian genius he has created and letting his true self shine through, “I don’t take lightly to macho bitches like you that rape kids.”

Jim fought him for a second, until the pain in his arm made him stop. “Don’t think I won’t break it,” Reese warned coldly, “I’ve done worse to save my dignity.”  Jim’s eyes widened at the mention of this.  It made the centuries old resistance fighter smile.

“What are you?”

“What I am ain’t important right now,” he said, turning his attention to the clock. He clucked his tongue when he read the time. Ugh, he wasted way too much time here already. “But I’m gonna let you go today. I got a hot date tonight. However,” here he leaned closer, his teeth next to the older man’s ear, “if you fuckin’ touch me again, I will tell John about this and there is no way you can run fast enough to escape the Reaper.” He leaned back, slowly, and got off, letting Jim stay in the room as he left it. John was waiting.


By the time Kyle had made it to Reaper’s room, composed enough to get his Pavel Chekov persona back into place, Gamma shift was in full swing and that, thankfully meant that there were a few more hours before Alpha shift came close to seeing their stations again. That meant John was in his room, either exhausted, stressed, horny or all of the above and that combination was never a good one for anyone but Kyle to deal with. After all, he enjoyed the rough sex that came from dealing with his lover in one of his exhausted-near-death moods. At least, on the ship, no one thought it odd that he was dressed as he was. Most hadn’t known him at the academy or seen him in person. First impressions, after all, were hard to break from.

Leonard McCoy, being both the CMO and a lieutenant commander, had a room that was easy enough to find compared to some of the more commonly ranked officers. There were only two lieutenant commanders onboard and the other one was Scotty. Why this was, he couldn’t quite remember but he also didn’t quite care at the moment. He rang the buzzer and waited patiently, watching Spock and Uhura bid each other good night at the entrance of Spock’s quarters. Wow. That shit wasn’t obvious. He wanted to roll his eyes but didn’t. He was playing a kid after all.

He was too focused on them to notice the door open though he did register the hand in his shirt pulling him inside rather roughly and the sound of fingers pressing in the code to lock the door to all but the commander and captain’s override. He laughed at this, even as he was all but thrown onto the bed. It wasn’t that big a deal when John did it. In fact, he liked it when John did it. Kirk, the fucker, didn’t have a right to touch him like that. He needed his soldier, his doctor, to replace the very feel of the fucker’s hands from his skin with a much more pleasurable memory.

“What took you so long?” John growled, roughly pulling off Kyle’s shirt though making sure to leave the dog tags on since they were as close as they could get to having Reese wearing a collar. Well, for now at least. There was no time to contemplate it much further as pants and underwear were torn off with equal haste. It was only once Kyle was completely nude that he noticed John was just as bare as he was. His hair was falling out of place from where it had been slicked back with water and he had a bit of stubble on his face. Apparently he had just gotten out of the shower.

“Sorry, hon. I had a persistent fucker who wouldn’t let me go until he was done with what he wanted to say.” Which was technically true. He couldn’t very well put together the brain power to think up a lie when John’s stubble was scratching his skin just so while plump lips pressed kisses right there… “I managed to get him to let me go -mmm- and got here… as fast as I could.”

Rough hands felt up his sides and his chest, one squeezing his ass before sliding forward and grabbing his already half hard dick, jerking it a few times as if testing it. Kyle gasped at the sensation and bucked into it. The rough friction was exquisite. “God John,” he moaned, tugging at the dark hair on the other man’s head, “Please tell me you’ve got lube with you.” Both their bodies were immune to STDs and since they only really slept with each other, there was no real need for them other than to make clean up easier. It hardly mattered now.

There was laughter against the skin of Kyle’s chest and the hand let go of his dick to balance the larger body as the hand that had been feeling him up buried itself under the pillow Reese was resting his head on to get the tube. “Did you think I’d forget?” John muttered, popping the top of the container with practiced ease as he shimmied down the slimmer body, pressing half starved kisses to the more sensitive skin along the way. “I need you so bad Kyle. I need to fuck you so bad right now.”

Kyle lifted his hips as he felt a slick finger press at his entrance amongst through the haze that was clouding his mind from the feel of his lover’s lips and stubble. “Then fuck me, John. Spread me out nice and wide and fuck me like the animal I know you are. You know I like a little pain with my pleasure. Come on.”

The first finger slipped in with ease though the physically older soldier didn’t wait very long before slipping in a second one and scissoring them open. Kyle kept moaning his encouragements, kept moving to fuck himself on those fingers a little more and get himself stretched open faster. It didn’t take long for a third to slip inside and work him open a little more, this time a bit more roughly. The burn felt good. It helped him feel a bit more alive. “That’s it,” he gasped, letting go of John to hold onto the headboard above him, “Come one John. Let’s upgrade this and take the game up a notch, eh?”

John growled in answer and removed his fingers, slicking himself up while watching his younger lover flushed and watching him with such desire. “On your knees,” he snapped, his voice taking on that old sergeant’s tone without realizing it, “I’m gonna fuck you like the little bitch you are for me.” Kyle didn’t think he could be much more turned on. His dick felt like it was going shoot off his body as he did what he was ordered to do.

Sure enough the minute he was in position John grabbed his slim hips and without warning buried himself balls deep in Kyle’s ass, tearing from him a scream of painful pleasure. He paused immediately after that, waiting for the body beneath him to adjust, before starting to move. As much as Reese had to admit liking the rough soldier side of his lover, the fact he was a doctor certainly had its benefits too. Every time that heavy, hard dick moved inside him it brushed his prostate gland in just the right way to keep him moaning. He ended up having to lean forward on the pillows, using one free hand to pump himself in time with the older man’s thrusts. “Oh god, harder John,” moaned loudly, “ Come on, I know you can do better than that. Fuck your bitch, fuck him nice and hard. He doesn’t want to be able to walk tomorrow without bein’ reminded of your hard dick inside him.”

That was all the encouragement the man needed apparently. His pace became driving, the hands on Kyle’s hips bruising, his words were reduced to animalistic grunts and groans. Kyle was too busy focusing on the painful pleasure he was feeling, knowing his lover was close. “That’s it,” he gasped breathlessly, his own hand moving frantically, “you’re almost there, hon. Come for me. Fill my ass with your come. Come on.” He wouldn’t let himself to until he felt that -- oh god! “YESSSSSSSSSSSS!”

The hand on his own prick managed to wrangle Kyle’s own orgasm from his body just as he felt the warm semen filling him as his lover climaxed inside him, moaning his name as if he were some kind of god. He supposed, in the old fashioned sense, that much was true. He hardly noticed how his own hot seed spilled onto his hand and the sheets they had been fucking over. He’d have plenty of time to worry about that later.

It takes a few minutes for them both to catch their breaths and move, John pulling out of his smaller lover and getting up to get a new set of sheets on the bed and Kyle heading off towards the restroom to clean himself up. This, quite frankly, was the only reason he didn’t particularly like this kind of sex but, hey, John had needed it. They’d do what he wanted next time. It was always they way they had worked out before and would, not doubt, work until one body or another simply gave out.

Of course, while he was in there, he took the time to brush his teeth and wash his face and pretend he was just getting ready to  go bed. Surprisingly, John was a cuddler and enjoyed talking about his day after his stress was taken care of. Besides, judging from that particular ride he was given tonight, it sounded like John needed this too.  Looking at his own tired face in the mirror, Kyle smiled softly. The centuries really had made him kind of a sap, though to be fair the same had happened to his lover, though he didn’t begin nearly has hardened against the world as Reese had been. Damn machines had nearly turned him into one of them too.

As soon as he got everything settled, he stepped out of the bathroom and yawned, stretching his aching back and knowing full well something else would be aching in the morning. John was just finishing up getting his bed made properly. Kyle couldn’t find it in himself to complain, especially when he had such a perfect view of the man’s firm ass that would never get flabby. Sometimes being virtually immortal certainly had it’s benefits. He whistled lowly, playfully but didn’t move from where he was until John was satisfied with the new bed and had gotten into it, holding the covers open for his lover.

Kyle smiled shyly and climbed in between them, curling up instantly against the older man because a) he needed the comfort and b) there really wasn’t that much space on the bed. The calloused fingers of a soldier and a doctor reached up and brushed through his curls, soothing him further. Ah, he’d love to sleep like this forever if he could. “Mmmm,” he purred happily and squeezed that strong body tighter for a second. He knew he wasn’t  strong enough to do any damage to his Reaper but still.

“Thanks for that Kyle,” John said softly, before commanding the lights to dim almost completely, “I really needed it after that whole mess. God the chaos I had to deal with in Sickbay… I really don’t want to see another horribly mangled body again if I can avoid it.” He sighed and turned his head, pressing a soft kiss to fluffy curls. “I was scared that you were going to be brought in at some point while I was operatin’ on someone else and…”

Kyle shook his head against the older man’s chest, his hand rubbing gentle patterns onto his firm chest. “Shhh, it’s okay John.  I’m fine. I was on the bridge remember? We’re all fine thanks to your buddy, Jim. He saved everyone’s asses.”

John laughed, making his chest rumble pleasantly and Kyle’s resting head bounce. “I’m sure half of that was your doing. You’re navigator and tactical right? That means you had to have at least handled the last bit with that pilot when Jim was pull his stupid shit on that Romulan tin can.”

“It was a pretty fucking big tin can.”

“It was still a tin can.”

Kyle laughed this time, a lighter sound and slightly more wheezy. Yeah, he had forgotten how clogged up his lungs had been at twenty what will all the dust, smog and other wonderful carcinogens that floated in the air when he had been runnin’ around saving lives. “Yeah well, I’ll make sure that our tin can doesn’t get crushed okay? I’ll keep her and us safe and sound. I promise.”

Reese didn’t have to look up to see the smile he knew was forming on John’s face, he could almost feel it in the way the man’s hand changed the way it played with his hair just the slightest bit. They may have been together fifty years but there were some things he never grew tired of and this was one of them. He almost --key word is almost -- wished they could grow old together. But that would suck just as bad as living forever. At least, this way, they’d never have to worry about watching the other just kinda fade away as their bodies fell apart.

“I love you John Grimm,” Kyle said quietly, feeling sleep starting to pull at his senses. He really needed that sleep while he could get it. It wouldn’t be that long before he was stuck pulling all nighters again, he was sure. “And don’t you forget it.”

John’s other arm came up and gently squeezed him in it’s warmth. Kyle had to admit, he felt safer in these arms than he did anywhere else on Earth, and he supposed in Space. “And I love you Kyle Resse. More than you can imagine. Now, let’s get some sleep before Jim manages to call us out for some brand new dumb fuck emergency of some kind.”

Reese closed his eyes and chuckled softly. He was perfect where he was. “Good night then, John.”

“Good night Kyle.”

Wrapped in the warmth of his lover after having been so thoroughly fucked, Kyle Reese, former Resistance fighter, finally let go of his semi-conscious state and let himself fall completely into the protection of the Marine that held him. The dog tags he had worn before, was wearing even now, were warm against his skin as they rested against it while he slept. While they couldn’t indulge themselves outside this room, couldn’t be anything other than adorable and naïve Pavel Chekov and grumpy and stern Leonard McCoy, they could be who they really were inside these four walls and for them, for now, that was more than enough.


When Kyle woke up however many hours later, he found that he was alone in the bed, the blankets wrapped tightly around him and in his arms he had a warm pillow. The lights were still low in this part of the room, but they were brighter outside of it. There was a distant murmur that sounded like a couple of people talking but his mind was too asleep still to recognize who. Well, dammit, that meant he had to get up, get dressed and get ready to explain his presence or, better yet, force whoever it is to keep their mouth shut under pain of severe torture then maybe death. If he was feeling generous. Maybe.

He forced himself out of bed and found his boxers and jeans, letting his brain wake up a little more. One voice was definitely John’s and it sounded more than a little pissed off. The other voice… oh hell no. Oh no. He wasn’t about to deal with this shit. Not right now when his ass ached and throbbed so nicely from the pounding John had given him the night before and his ability to act shot to shit right now. He didn’t bother trying to look for his shirt, just hurried to the bathroom to fix his hair and shave his face. If he was going to pretend to be Pavel, he had to at least somewhat look like it.

He had finished up just in time to hear the voices get closer to the door and he knew that any minute now one of them was going to trigger the motion detector and make the door open up. He took a few deep breaths and checked one more time to make sure every hair was perfectly in place. Wonderful. Now to slip into the persona…

The door few open and Pavel jumped, startled by it’s movement. He blinked at the set of blue eyes that met his. “Keptin.” At least if Jim tried to report McCoy for sleeping with a minor, which he had no proof of at the moment, then he could very well have Kirk arrested on charges of attempted rape. Really the ball was in the kid’s court now. He just had to wait for the next move.

Jim turned towards McCoy, raising an eyebrow at the older man who shrugged and said nothing. Way to go John. Let’s make this seem all the more suspicious.

Kirk turned his attention back to Pavel, this time glaring at him. “Tell me Ensign, what were you doing in the Lieutenant Commander’s quarters?” Oooo, scary. Jealous much?

But how would Pavel react? Damn it! Think like a kid… think like a kid…

Chekov blushed and looked away, crossing his arms over his chest. “You had frightened me from my room sir. I had to sleep somevhere. The doctor had been nice to me before so I ask heem eef I could stay and he say yes.” He made sure to keep the accent nice and thick. He’d let Kirk think the violent Chekov from earlier was just an illusion.

“If you just slept here, why are you half naked?”

Really? That was this guy’s question? Kyle’s gaze flickered to John’s face only to see the man roll his eyes towards the ceiling. The once Resistance fighter sighed internally but left his innocent persona in place. “I find sleeping vit shirt on ees wery uncomfortable and vhen I heard you and ze doktor talking, I zought zat I had to hurry to get ready to leawe. I hawe not had ze opportunity to look for my shirt again.”

The acting captain seemed to accept this story and stepped aside, letting Pavel walk back into the room to find his shirt again. Kyle’s years of living amongst machines and in constant war saw the suspicious stare the blond man had given his friend but he couldn’t make himself look like he cared while still in character. He went looking for the shirt he had worn last night, finding it pretty quickly, just as the door to the bathroom he had just walked out of slid shut. Well, that solved that problem for now.

Turning around, Kyle managed to wrestle his shirt on as he walked up to John, pulling the dog tags out from underneath the shirt as soon as he got it fitted over himself properly. “Don’t worry hun,” he whispered, leaning just close enough for John to hear without the sound carrying towards the bathroom, “Just a few more weeks and Pavel will be eighteen you and he can come out of the closet then. I’ll see you after Beta shift, okay?”

John scowled and pinched the bridge of his nose. Kyle knew what he was feeling. He got the same pounding in his head at the thought of it too. What a fuckin’ mess this shit was going to turn out to be if Jim managed to keep his captaincy.

“Yeah, I hear ya babe,” Grimm answered just as quietly and stole a quick kiss from his smaller lover, “now get your pert lil’ ass outta here before Jim steps out and sees ya still present. I’ll see ya then.”

Another quick kiss goodbye just as the toilet flushed and before the bathroom door even thought so much as opening he was gone out into the hall, heading back to where his rooms were on the ensign deck. He had to unpack still and change into his uniform. He had only  an hour and a half or so before his shift started and he had to officially be Pavel Chekov again. He wondered if had remembered to pack his cigarettes when he had been given the orders to get his ass onboard the ship. Granted they didn’t have much time but usually he carried them with him when he went to class. He never knew when he’d have an unexpected break to get a smoke.


Back in John’s room, the once Marine couldn’t help but feel a bit pissed at Jim. Sure there were best friends but hadn’t he been nice enough when the man-whore brought back the next man or woman for the night and left them in the room alone? Okay, granted, he took advantage of those nights to stay with Kyle and that was a treat in and of itself but still. The one time he had his lover in his rooms, the one time, and Kirk managed to chase him out. They had still had an hour and a half! They could have done it one more time before shift started if it wasn’t for this douche.

When Jim stepped out of the bathroom, though, John knew he was going to have some explainin’ to do. A half naked supposedly seventeen year old in your room was rather incriminating, even if it technically was true that there was no proof they had had sex together… unless you counted the sheets that were in the wash right now but even then there was only evidence that “Pavel Chekov” had  had sex in his room, not necessarily with him… oh fuck it. Yes it was rather incriminating but no more noticeable than he was sure half the other crew’s sheets that were, no doubt, in the same condition.

John made up his mind about what to say about it when Jim stepped out of the bathroom again, noticeably even more suspicious since he noticed there was only one toothbrush in the bathroom. Okay then. Take deep breaths and remember that this kid knows nothing about the fact that Pavel’s real name is Kyle and that he is, in fact, a few centuries older than most people would expect with his pretty boy face. While it looked illegal, it didn’t mean it was. He’d have to pretend it was illegal. For now. It’d be fair game in a few more weeks.

“Bones,” Jim said, his voice sharp but playful, “When were you going to tell me you were bangin’ Ensign Jailbait?” That sparkle in his eye. It was mischief and holy crap did that scare every fiber in Reaper’s body. Well, the hell he went through on Mars was still at the top of his list of horrifying shit but this was pretty high up there too. Mischief and James Kirk never turned out to be a good thing.

“Since when was it any of your business knowin’ about who I bang or don’t bang?”

The smile on Jim’s face widened. John’s eyebrow twitched. Shit. That meant questions. Inappropriate and very private questions.

“Since you’re bangin’ someone so pretty that in a few years he might actually be a decent rival for hottest man on the Enterprise.” There was a short laugh and then a quick sobering up. “So really. Since when were you  sleeping with Chekov? You know he’s still underage right?”

John rolled his eyes and walked into his room, looking through the drawers for a blue tunic to wear over his blacks that he had gotten on just before he let Jim in. “Of course I know that. I’m his doctor remember? And I can swear to you I’ve never slept with Pavel Chekov.” Which was technically true. When they made love it was always Kyle’s name on his lips. Pavel was just a character. “We’ve shared a bed but that was fully clothed and because he was either a) homesick or b) cold.” Which was true also.

“So technically you slept with him.”

John paused in his search for a second or two, letting his imaginary self beat imaginary Jim upside the head with a bat. “Yes. Technically I have slept with Ensign Chekov but I have not have sex with him. That detailed enough for you?”

He found the tunic he was looking for and slipped it on, a curious thought just jumping into his head. “Now wait a cotton pickin’ minute Jim,” an old phrase that he knew his friend would make fun of him for later but for now really didn’t care about, “what’s with these questions? Unless you had you’re eye on him…” That made John freeze and turn to face his buddy. Oh hell no. No way.

Jim’s dirty smile was all the answer he needed. Nuh uh. He loved Kyle, that much was true, and he liked Jim all well and good, but he sure as hell wasn’t going to share his fighter with this child in every way but body. He knew the circles Jim traveled in. He knew just how much of a gossip this guy was. There was no way there would be an end to this should Jim actually sleep with a supposedly “legal” Pavel Chekov.

“No. Before you ask the answer is no. You know I don’t share Jim, especially my lovers.”

There was a blink and within seconds those bright blues tried puppy dog eyes. They were nothing compared to Kyle’s when he really wanted something though , thankfully, that was a rare few number of times. “Aw, but why not Bones? He’s so sweet and pretty. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind!”

Another eyebrow twitch. The hell he wouldn’t! “Come off it Jim. The answer is no and that’s final!”

There was a sigh and those proud shoulders sagged mockingly. “Oh well then. If you won’t share I’ll have to win him over on my own.”

That sounded dangerous. “No. Not even that Jim. That’s just insulting to me and Chekov.”

Jim’s mocking air fluttered away. For a minute he looked like the stern captain of a starship. Huh, so it was indeed possible then. “Funny. He didn’t seem too insulted when I came to him last night.”

Last night? “You mean you were the fucker that chased him out of his room?”

A dramatic sigh. “Oh come on now. You know him probably better than I do. We had a thing going on at the academy that we never took as far as you seem to clearly have. He told me he was savin’ himself for that guy on his dog tags, some fella named John Grimm, but now I know that’s a lie.” Kirk stood, offering his hand to McCoy, acting, for all intents and purposes as if this was some international trade agreement or something. “May the best man win Bones.”

Alright. That was it. He was going to show this fucktard just who was the one who could properly handle Kyle Reese not only sexually but in a relationship as well. All this poor sap knew about was Pavel Chekov, the child, the act. He didn’t know the man underneath the mask, the smoking, drinking, gambling young man who had lived through far too many lives and lost far too many friends to have a mind and heart as innocent as his persona was supposed to be.

Shaking Jim’s hand, John Grimm made his decision. He’d seduce Pavel Chekov as Leonard McCoy. He’d prove to himself that Kyle was with him not because he had to be or face being alone forever, but rather was with him because he wanted to be. Jim Kirk, for all his charm, wouldn’t stand a chance against Leonard McCoy’s southern gentleman’s wit. “May the best man win.”




mccoy/chekov, fanfic, star trek xi, terminator salvation, doom

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