Halloween, here I come!

Sep 07, 2014 21:28

All right, guys. I think that wildcard_47 has decided my Halloween costume for me: a genderbent Jon Snow! Thoughts??

costuming, halloween, game of thrones

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Comments 8

gelsey September 8 2014, 01:39:55 UTC
That sounds awesome :)


dozmuffinxc September 8 2014, 02:31:43 UTC
I can't wait to go buy the fabric :D


gelsey September 8 2014, 02:47:14 UTC
You must post pics.

I have a couple of cosplays that would be very challenging that I'm eyeballing right now and wringing my hands over. Oy.


(The comment has been removed)

dozmuffinxc September 8 2014, 02:31:24 UTC


aalia7 September 8 2014, 05:54:49 UTC
Wait...lemme google him - he's the one who knows nothing, right?

Ah - morose and appropriately snowy - are you going with all that fur plus all that leather underneath?


dozmuffinxc September 8 2014, 21:59:35 UTC
"You know nothing, Jon Snow!!!" Yep, that'll be me :D

I'm going to try to do a variation on the Entertainment Weekly photoshoot outfit: http://i1.squidoocdn.com/resize/squidoo_images/800/draft_lens19753496module161532960photo_1346873663--.jpg

I'll probably end up using some form of vinyl for cost-effectiveness, and I'm going to attempt to use my DE cloak with an additional (removable) fur trim. I thought that, instead of trying to find appropriate boots, I'll use some of my own black ones and make fur "leggings" to cover up the top of my modern shoes. Thoughts? :)


aalia7 September 9 2014, 03:42:48 UTC
Awesome. I think a removable fur trim is an excellent idea. And fur 'legwarmers' are super easy to do - I've made some pink ones in the past! There are lots of free tutorials online; some go by the name 'boot covers', mine had elastic at the top and were great for stomping around in. :)


sbrande September 9 2014, 03:48:11 UTC
You know nothing Jon Snow!


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