Halloween help!!

Sep 03, 2014 22:11

Halloween is fast approaching, and I am stumped for what costume to make! It's my favorite holiday, and I always like to have an interesting, conversation-sparking ensemble. A literature-inspired piece might be good as I could then wear it to school to flummox my students... Keep in mind, I am a 4'10" female - not that the latter wold stop me ( Read more... )

help, costuming, halloween

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Comments 5

jewells68 September 4 2014, 03:26:24 UTC
Last year I was middle-aged Hermione at her 30 year D.A. reunion. I made a name tag "Hello, my name is Hermione Weasley (Granger)" and a SPEW button etc. I've always wanted to dress up as Sherlock Holmes, though. Or you could go as Poe's Raven. ACtually couldn't you wear your regency dress and be Emma or something of the like? Or are you thinking modern/YA as opposed to classics?


dozmuffinxc September 4 2014, 11:41:05 UTC
I'm totally OK with dressing for the classics! Honestly, I can't think of any contemporary teen lit that I could pull off (besides Hunger Games, and I've already done Effie at school three times) convincingly. I really like the idea of a Poe's raven - I could even make it a "two-fer" and say that I'm both the Raven and Death from The Book Thief! I must think more on this...

Thanks!! :)


gelsey September 4 2014, 03:41:04 UTC
I was just thinking the other day you'd make a fun Mother Gothel from Tangled.

I'll think some more. Too tired right now heh


dozmuffinxc September 4 2014, 11:41:23 UTC
I'm flattered!! I love when my friends think of me for the villain characters :D


gelsey September 5 2014, 01:40:19 UTC
*grin* You'd do it grandly!


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