Ficlet: "Unexpected Development" (PG-13, Snape/Granger for teddyradiator)

Sep 18, 2013 14:45

Title: Unexpected Development
Prompt: "hips" and "with a fist"
Characters: Hermione Granger, Severus Snape, Ron Weasley
Rating: M for the (not-so-graphic) sex!
Words: 1,229
A/N: for teddyradiator

There was no explaining it. )

fan-fic, kiss meme, ss/hg

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Comments 15

teddyradiator September 18 2013, 22:13:34 UTC
Oh wow, that was delightful! I'm not sure what I did to deserve such a lovely gift waiting on me when I returned from work, but I hope I can keep doing it!

Thank you so much for a great ficlet! You totally made my day.

but was it sharing, really, when their bodies had hardly been separated since they had collapsed onto the duvet half an hour ago?


♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


dozmuffinxc September 23 2013, 02:15:15 UTC
I'm so pleased that you liked it! I had had the idea running amok in my head for a few weeks, but I only just now sat down and made it into something readable. I had hoped for a little more, but the fickle Muse abandoned me and left me with this little plotline. But yaaaaayyyyy for you enjoying it, and *squee* you even pimped it out on your LJ! <3 <3 <3


Awesome, Talented Friend Have I livejournal September 18 2013, 22:41:36 UTC
User teddyradiator referenced to your post from Awesome, Talented Friend Have I saying: [...] even includes a rather dim Roonil getting what he deserved. It's called Unexpected Development [...]


beffeysue September 18 2013, 23:15:51 UTC
Ron who? Yes, indeedy. Snape and Hermione got the best of this deal... and once I'd read it, I have to say thank you for writing this for Teddy, and to her for posting about it.


dozmuffinxc September 19 2013, 13:16:50 UTC
Thanks for popping by to read! Glad you enjoyed it :)


eoforyth September 19 2013, 00:43:27 UTC
*sits and sniggers* Lovely!


dozmuffinxc September 19 2013, 13:17:10 UTC
Thank you!


delphipsmith September 19 2013, 02:56:34 UTC
Ahahahaaa! What a fun place to take this little prompt :)

"And even if we were still together - which we most certainly are NOT - what would EVER make you think that groping me in front of the entire wizarding media was acceptable??"

"It wasn’t personal, Hermione."

Oh, like being groped impersonally is SO MUCH BETTER.


dozmuffinxc September 19 2013, 13:17:49 UTC
I know, right?? Ugh, Ron...

(Love your icon, by the way!)

Thank you for reading! :)


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