
Jan 15, 2013 11:44

My (third) offer was accepted. I'M GETTING A HOUSE MAYBE??

Who's terrified? I'm terrified. Who's probably going to be broke for the rest of her life? Me.


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Comments 18

aalia7 January 15 2013, 17:41:12 UTC
Yayyyyyyy! I mean about the excitement of the house, not about the terrified and the broke. Don't be terrified. You won't be broke. And now we can all look forward to lots of home-dec crafty updates! :D



dozmuffinxc January 15 2013, 18:59:46 UTC
I know that I won't be broke - at least not forever! I've saved a decent chunk of change by living at home the last three years, and really - if I get a roommate, which I hope to do soon - I won't be making that large of a monthly payment. My problem now is finding that roommate, because both of the girls I had set my hopes on seem to have bailed on me. For the rent I would be asking, I could probably get any number of candidates, but it would be nice to have someone I know and like!

I'll certainly be needing suggestions on some cheap, efficient, and attractive ways to organize and decorate my house! I'm going to need a lot of furniture, that's for sure, because all I really have is a bed and (potentially) some short bar chairs. And pots and pans and food and curtains and... egad!! o_O

Why do I feel like my house is going to be a lot like the Burrow, with crochet/knit things everywhere and everything looking altogether mismatched? ^_^


kerravonsen January 16 2013, 11:43:47 UTC
Why do I feel like my house is going to be a lot like the Burrow, with crochet/knit things everywhere and everything looking altogether mismatched?

Hey, at least the Burrow was relaxed and welcoming. That's a good thing to emulate!
Most of my stuff doesn't match. Far more interested in comfort than home-and-garden, me.

I'll certainly be needing suggestions on some cheap, efficient, and attractive ways to organize and decorate my house!People have already mentioned second-hand and garage sales. Of course that's pretty random as to what you can find in such places; one can find treasures as well as trash but you don't know beforehand which will be there ( ... )


dozmuffinxc January 16 2013, 14:49:14 UTC
I like the idea of the boxes! I'm certainly planning on getting plenty of shelves and organizing the heck out of this place. I like the idea of using either archive boxes (I know what those are) or plastic containers for keeping my things together. My craft room (HEE) in particular will have to be organized because I have just so much STUFF!

And ooh, throw rugs! And afghans! :)


ariadne1 January 15 2013, 19:17:34 UTC

Houses are investments :) So you're not giving your money away; you're turning it into equity. (<- That bit of clarity helped me when I bought mine. Hang onto it!)


dozmuffinxc January 15 2013, 19:58:34 UTC
I know, and I need to keep reminding myself of that. Maybe I would feel more confident about the "investment" side if it was actually a free-standing house as opposed to a townhouse, but really, it probably doesn't make as big of a difference.

Also, my dad's been so dead set on building me a house on our property. He's got an acre and half (or something), and he's convinced that it would make more sense to build. But then when I go to sell, or when I move elsewhere in a few years, what's he going to do? I don't know... this is all just terribly confusing!


crafts4others January 15 2013, 20:40:57 UTC
congrats, keeping my fingers crossed this is the house for you. =0) It took Mr Crafts4others and I three times before we finally got our house after making previous bids.


sbrande January 15 2013, 20:45:35 UTC
Nah, you'll do fine.

Congrats my love.

Love Sonia :)


dozmuffinxc January 15 2013, 22:59:09 UTC
Thanks! So when are you coming to visit? :D


sbrande January 15 2013, 23:26:54 UTC
Whenever your ready for me babe.

Love Sonia :)


gelsey January 15 2013, 21:24:02 UTC
Yay you! That is so awesome! I'm so pleased for you.

I understand the terror and broke sort of thing. But you'll make more money!


dozmuffinxc January 15 2013, 22:58:05 UTC
I knoooooooww, but it's still scary! But yes, especially with a roommate, it'll be very affordable. I think the downpayment is freaking me out most - I'm planning on putting some sizable money down which will, of course, make my monthly pay cheaper, but it's sort of terrifying to part all at once with that sum of money!


gelsey January 16 2013, 05:29:57 UTC
It is! I remember how scared I was when I bought my car and put down a chunk on it. I didn't have nearly as much socked away then as now, and I was scared. I can imagine doing it for a house...


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