Calling all friends: All Hallow's Read!

Sep 19, 2012 22:46

Hello, friends! One and all! If you love books and you love Halloween - or just scary books, or books about the fall, or quirky, gothic novels, this post is for you!

Neil Gaiman started a tradition (not a new idea, I suppose, but I love the concept) called All Hallow's Read, the idea being that on or around Halloween, one should give away a scary book. What scary book? Any! To whom? Anyone! I figured, since we have the miracle of the Internet, why not make this a swap? Why confine this lovely, Hallowe'en literary jaunt to our neighborhoods?

If you would be interested in participating in a scary book swap this Hallowe'en, leave a message to this post with your name and your address. I'll put a lock on the post so that I'll be the only one who can look at that information. In the meantime, pick out a favorite scary book (here are some recommendations if you're stuck) that you are willing to part with - perhaps buy a used copy, or support your local, independent bookstore by buying a new one there - and I'll send out mailing information between the last week in September and the first week in October.

The goal would be for everyone to receive one book from someone else around the world in time for All Hallow's Eve! You would only be sending out one package - but I would love it if everyone would send everyone else a Halloween card or note! So you have options...

If you're interested in this swap, you should:
(1) Leave your name and address in the comments
(2) If you are willing to send a scary book out as a swap to someone else around the world, please indicate this in your message. If you only want to ship domestically (inside the US), please also make this clear
(3) And if you would like to participate in the smaller, obviously cheaper card swap - for which you would send out a Halloween or fall-themed card or note to everyone, not just your swap partner - indicate that in your message.

Ooohhh, please get involved in this! Wouldn't it be such fun? We all love getting mail, right? And in time for Hallowe'en? Yeeeeeeessss :D :D :D

halloween, literature

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