
Jul 01, 2009 22:56

Son of a-- OK, I obviously didn't read our summer course syllabus fully. Apparently we were supposed to respond to at least one of our classmates' discussion board entries each week, which I'm not sure I at all. I posted my own responses, and they were usually much more substantial than the other drivel that was stuck up there on a whim, but ( Read more... )

grades, angst

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Comments 2

geminiscorp July 2 2009, 13:16:45 UTC

An A- is still an A. =D

*hugs again*


dozmuffinxc July 2 2009, 14:40:18 UTC
*sighs* I know, but what a stupid reason! Although somehow I doubt grad schools are going to deny me because of one little -. It's just bloody frustrating! Stupid Bella XP


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