
May 17, 2011 19:43

last time we checked in on the Doyles, there was father-son bonding, some birthdays, and another boy born into the family. all the testosterone is killing me...

immediately after getting home from the hospital, Mary-Anne starts cleaning the house like a fiend. apparently, while she was away, the boys wrecked her house like the jackals that they are.

she then decides that she is going to make a wholesome, home cooked meal for her boys and starts baking some lobster thermidore. couldn't she have made hamburgers or something? nooooo. she has to splurge on frickin' lobster.

the boys sit and watch TV in a zombie-like state of complete numbness while dinner is cooking.


Mary-Anne: You're gonna need another promotion to feed all of these damn kids, just so you know.

Tommy: *chokes*

this is Ace and Betty's little girl, who is butt-ass-fugly, and Charlie's only friend. which is kind of sad, really. she was starving the entire time she was at the house and stayed out in the backyard playing tag until 11pm, which was kind of creepy >.>

time for Danny's birthday! for once, his father was actually being nice. did hell freeze over?


Charlie: *jaded as hell*

Danny: Am I a Cullen now? WTF. *sparkles*

i can't tell if he looks like his dad or his mother. matter of fact, i can't distinguish the genetics of any of them, they all look the damn same.

Tommy celebrated this occasion by belittling his son as only Thomas can.

Danny: I am going to put strychnine in your guacamole.

Charlie was out at his friend's house until curfew. oh, you're hungry are you? that's what you get for being out at such an ungodly hour.

camera be creepin' >.>

Danny: I'm scared.

i totally forgot that it was Tom's birthday, so he celebrated alone out behind his work. if he wasn't such a prick, i'd be tempted to feel bad. suffer, you toolbag.


Tommy: Getting older sucks.

Johnny is a C average student, since he spends all of his time working out like a meathead rather than do his homework.

Johnny: My brain hurts. BUT DAMN I AM GORGEOUS.

*pop* it had better be a girl this time, Mary-Anne!

time for Jack's birthday! let's see what he turns out like.

that good, eh?

he has his dad's eyes and hair color. it's too soon to tell if he looks like his mother or not.

Johnny musters up the courage to go talk to this girl that he likes.

Johnny: I am totally out past curfew. *is such a rebel*

Johnny tries to impress Penny, the daughter of Hallie Thieson, by eating dirt. yeah, that's sure to win her over buddy.

she does not look like she is having an especially good time. poor thing.

but she still wanted to hold his hands, so, that's good. way to go, Johnny boy!


Jack: OMG! I am being given ATTENTION. Squee.

it was then Charlie's turn to enter into awkward teen adolescence. he is quite bookish and shy, so this should be interesting to see how he copes with teen-hood.

well, he looks like his mother! that's good, since i am pretty sure the rest of them look like their dad.

i gave him his glasses and nerded him up appropriately, he looks much better.

Charlie: I hate this shitbag family.

Charlie: *reads Tolstoy angstily*

Johnny: Be still my beating heart! I think Penny's at the door. *manly swoon*

Johnny: I love the way the light bounces off your cat-eye glasses and sears my retina to a golden crisp. *sigh*

Danny: I think I am gonna be sick.

Johnny: Okay, seriously, get the hell out of here.


someone takes after their father just a smidge.

Johnny: So, I am totally the bee's-knees at baseball.

Penny: *stares off into space*

Johnny: I am going to kiss the crap out of you.

Johnny: Hey baby, you got a real classy chassis on that frame of yours, you're a real happenin' Dolly, know what I mean? And you got the jets to match, I mean you really razz my berries, you dig me?

Penny: *crickets*

Johnny: Let's get jacketed, baby, is what I am sayin'.


please be a girl, please be a girl, please be a girl!

another FREAKIN' BOY. D: @#%%^&$*^@^!&^$%$#$!!!!!!!

i named him Benny.

next time: more birthdays, more general bastardry from Tommy, and a family picnic! Also, Charlie is up for download here!
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