SGA/John&Elizabeth {I Miss You}

Feb 08, 2008 19:24

Author: chris4short
Title: I Miss You
Song By: Incubus
Rating: PG
TTWF: Angst
Spoilers: Start of Season 4... exploring John's feelings
Character/Pairing: John/Elizabeth
Number: 46/50
Word Count: 737 (According to MW)

He stretched out his hand toward her, a passing figure in his mind. The haze had over whelmed him, drowned him. Making her cloudy even so she had been there just a moment ago. Hadn’t she?

His voice caught in his throat as he tried to tell her not to leave, don’t go. There was more for her to do. People needed her.

He needed her.

But nothing seemed to stop the fog rolling over him, pushing him back to the puddle jumper, her voice ringing in his ear, desperate and demanding. Her last wish, command, he had to obey, no matter that it broke his heart into the millions of pieces he wanted to blast into the walls.

As he turned to look down the hall, he saw her turn her head, twisting back to face him. He paused and burned the image of his leader, lover, best friend, confidant, into his mind. Someone, something tugged him back as the enemy began to close around her, once more cutting him off, obstructing his view. He needed to let her know, he needed her to see that forever it was true. And not matter what he would fight to find her again. She would be there… as she had once been in what now seemed like an eternity.

He stretched out his hands toward her, willing her to know he would miss her until she was back in his arms.

short fic: sga, misc: song fic, genre: angst, rated: pg, pairing: elizabeth/john, writer: chris4short

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