Torchwood Fic: Jack/Ianto (Walk this Way)

Jan 02, 2012 14:59

Author: chris4short
Title: Walk this Way
Song By: Aerosmith
Rating: PG
TTWF: fluff, friendship
Spoilers: None
Character/Pairing: Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones
Number: 7/50
Word Count: 267
Written for: songfic50

He pulled his jacket up higher, hugging it around his neck, wishing he had grabbed his scarf on the way out and not just his iPod. Of course the music did put an extra pep into his walk, so he wasn’t complaining much.

He hummed to the tunes as he walked down to the train, wondering if he should grab some coffee before going on the train, or after. Small decisions made him smile since they seemed so small compared to the ones he dealt with on a daily basis. He walked on; the coffee on the other side was much better.

Ianto grabbed the paper along with his coffee, mindlessly walking along the road in the cool Cardiff air. The music in his ear drowned out the traffic that was picking up, and as he crossed the road, heading past the fountain and to the entrance of Torchwood, the music switched from jazz to Aerosmith. His play lists were always eclectic, a point Jack seemed to point out quite frequently. Of course Jack’s own tastes were far and wide.

Tidying the small building, Ianto turned to go down the secret passage to the Hub. He hummed as the songs went from “Dude, Looks like a Lady,” to “Walk this Way.” Almost as if on cue, Jack walked up the stairs.

“Oh good, you are here.”

“Of course,” Ianto replied, smiling, pulling the plugs out of his ears. “I started some tea, coffee will be served soon.”

Jack stood smiling for a moment. “Excellent. What would we do without you?”

Ianto blushed slightly. “You’d manage, Jack.”

character: jack harkness, character: ianto jones, prompt tables: torchwood, misc: song fic, genre: fluff, rated: pg

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