Torchwood Fic: Rhys/Gwen (Foundations)

Jan 02, 2012 14:44

Author: chris4short
Title: Foundations
Song By: Kate Nash
Rating: PG
TTWF: fluff
Spoilers: None
Character/Pairing: Rhys Williams/Gwen Cooper
Number: 7/50
Word Count: 279
Written for: songfic50

Gwen shut her eyes and turned away. She wished she really was drunk and not just nursing another drink and talking loudly. She wished Jack and the team would come crashing into the pub and rescue her. However, as she looked back, giving a smile to the barkeep and drawing her own mug closer, she knew everyone had a rare night off.

“And I said, how could she know? She was hardly home!”

Rhys and his friends shared in the laughter, making Gwen turn pink. “Thanks, Rhys, that was just the highlight of that day.”

Rhys merely nodded his head and drank a bit more of his beer. He went back to telling some story as Gwen rested her chin on her hand. The past year had put a strain on her and Rhys, even if Rhys seemed to not notice. He didn’t say much about the whole thing. It had fallen on Gwen, to make it seem life was normal, like before. Of course she was the only one who knew what truly was running around Cardiff.

She felt the glue, the love, the happy moments crumble a bit more every time Gwen came home. The foundation of their relationship was slowly evolving and eroding. But so had a lot of other things in the past few days. Jack Harkness was gone, Owen, Tosh and Ianto were trying their best to continue Torchwood’s mission, and tonight, Gwen was trying to celebrate what should have been a happy occasion: her and Rhys’ engagement.

Yet even as Rhys was telling another endearing story, Gwen couldn’t help but wonder if the foundation of what they once had could sustain a marriage.

rated: pg, writer: chris4short, pairing: rhys/gwen, misc: song fic, prompt tables: torchwood, genre: drama, character: gwen cooper, character: rhys williams

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