Torchwood Fic: Jack/Gwen (Almost Lover)

Jan 02, 2012 14:34

Author: chris4short
Title: Almost Lovers
Song By: A Fine Frenzy
Rating: PG
TTWF: Angst
Spoilers: None
Character/Pairing: Jack Harkness/Gwen Cooper
Number: 6/50
Word Count: 488
Written for: songfic50

Gwen covered her eyes, blocking out Jack from her vision but not from her head, her heart. What she knew, felt, saw… nothing made sense for a moment.

She couldn’t deny that Jack held a vice grip on her heart, no matter that she had given it to Rhys.

So she thought.

So she told herself.

So she reassured Rhys.

Jack's hands gripped her shoulders and pulled her to his chest. It was a struggle, but his strong arms pulled her flat to himself and Gwen could do nothing but collapse into him.

“You need to let it go.”

“I can’t.”

“Think about Rhys. You love him, he loves you. You have a life with him.”

Gwen looked up to his watering eyes and whispered, “I don’t want a life with him. Not after all this. Not after all I have seen. Not when I am dreaming it could be a life with you.”

“I… I,” Jack paused, licking his lips. The searching, pleading eyes of Gwen waited, an eternity, boring into his. “I love you too much. You’ll always be my almost lover.”

Gwen fell to the floor as Jack, tears flowing, walked away, slowly and painfully.

character: jack harkness, prompt tables: torchwood, misc: song fic, genre: angst, genre: ust, character: gwen cooper

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