[[AU]] Homophobia

Jan 04, 2009 22:18

Jack stayed the night in the Lounge for Hunter's sake. He's been waiting for his giant to show up. The shine hasn't worn off the thrill of letting the young man fuck him. It's early yet, though Jack is impatient. Still, it surprises him when there's a knock at the door. Hunter is certainly chivalrous enough to knock when he knows damn well he's ( Read more... )

saturday, au

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downwithmyship January 9 2009, 16:14:58 UTC
There's tearing and it burns savagely. Jack wonders how often he's in for this sort of treatment. He wonders how badly he'll be wounded before Saturday is done with him or Hunter finds him. He decides to comfort himself with thoughts of how angry this will make Hunter and Pearl. He thinks about what they'll do to Saturday. He thinks of being nursed back to health by both of them. Anything to help take his mind off of things and relax his body ( ... )


downwithmyship February 16 2009, 23:38:55 UTC
Having anything in him hurts and it's humiliating. It's an unnecessary show of how little Saturday cares for Jack's suffering. He writhes and cries out, but to no avail. Only to be pulled across the floor as he tries desperately to left the most pained parts of himself off of the floor. While he tries like hell to shake himself free of Saturday's grip.

Once tossed on the bed, Jack curls up instantly like some broken, wilted thing. This is short lived, though, as Saturday seems to want him positioned differently. His wrists are lashed to his sides and escape --even survival-- is seeming less and less likely. His ankles are bound and then he's asked to offer himself up.
"N..No. I'll do nothing t'favor you!"
He tries to return to his curled, protective position, though it's not possible with the way he's tied.


shooting_blind February 16 2009, 23:49:30 UTC
Saturday isn't bothered by Jack's refusal. He slaps the man's ass with a deafening crack. It's hard enough not only to leave a welt but Jack will have a hand print shaped bruise in deep black there. It's already beginning to swell.

"It's not a personal favor, Sparrow. It's for yours. I need to clean and examine you. At some point I may want infection to set in and ravage you. Today is not that day. Lift your ass up as high as you can so I can clean your wounds. Or next time you take a shit you'll be rotting from the asshole. I know medicine is strange witchcraft to you, but I'll be happy to show you pictures."


downwithmyship February 17 2009, 00:14:35 UTC
Jack screams and his voice cracks; throat worn from bemoaning his suffering. He sobs and whimpers, feeling the bruise rising on his ass. He listens to Saturday and knows the man is right, but doesn't trust him. He doesn't want to let this monster help him or to suffer the embarrassment of offering his ass up for the work. Still, the longer he can remain alive and strong, the better chance he has of getting free and getting revenge.

Reluctantly, Jack struggles to pull himself up and put his ass into the air. He shakes on his knees, every nerve aching and screaming for him to just collapse.


shooting_blind February 17 2009, 00:21:43 UTC
While Saturday would enjoy forcing the man to stay in that position the whole time- it's just not possible. So in the closest thing to mercy he has Sat shoves a pillow under the man's hips to keep him in position. He strokes Jack's hair afterward.
"Shhhh. Good dog."
The petting goes in longer strokes. Saturday moves the hair off Jack's back and explores the tattoos once again. His touch is soft and slow like a lovers.
"You wont get half the beating you do if you just be a good dog and do it the first time. Why make me hurt you? Stupid mutt."

He leans over to begin kissing along Jack's ribs and down his spine.


downwithmyship February 17 2009, 01:17:17 UTC
It isn't remotely possible. Jack's nervous system is giving up and wants to just pass out, but can't. He's quietly thankful for the pillow and lets his weight collapse the instant he doesn't need to hold himself up.

Jack hates being referred to as a dog. Cutler did that, near the end. However, the touching feels very good after so much pain. He flinches when Saturday touches the worst of his bruises but otherwise tries to let himself be lulled to sleep. He hates himself for it, but he needs rest so badly.
The kisses get a small whine from Jack and he tenses a bit, but he's so tired and it feels nice....



shooting_blind February 17 2009, 01:25:14 UTC
Saturday relishes in the feel of skin pulling tight against his lips as he kisses the muscles at Jack's side. The man has a lovely back. Not just for the tattoo's but for the tan skin and shape of him. All that upper body work without the high fiber diet to make him big.

"Don't what? Hurt you? Or make you feel good?"
He smiles and goes back to touching. Rubbing his cheeks against Jack's warm skin and smelling him. He doesn't plan to let the pirate live. He's far past the point where he feels judged. Saturday is free to do whatever he wants. Free even from himself. He gets awful cheery suddenly.
"I'll give you a shot. Do you understand what that is?"
maybe Jack thinks he's going to get a gun. If that's the case the pirate has a bit to wait while Saturday putters around where he can't be seen. Eventually he comes back with a syringe and a tiny glass bottle. He shows it to him.
"Do you understand this?"


downwithmyship February 17 2009, 03:11:07 UTC
Normally Jack likes it when people notice how well toned and beautiful his body is. However, it's just unsettling and embarrassing to have his tormentor get away with fawning on him like this. He should be running, or making Saturday pay, but he can't.

He has no answer for the man's question, because he's not sure which is worse: the pain or the kindness that's followed. Jack is far away in his mind and detached from the touches when he's threatened with a shot. After a moment, he realizes what Saturday means, but isn't sure what the reason is.
"A syringe... of...of what?"
He hates that he can't tell what's inside the damn thing or what it will do to him.


shooting_blind February 17 2009, 03:20:48 UTC
Saturday seems thrilled and proud that Jack can follow the technology he's showing off. To be fair though- Jack knows much more about his time then Sat knows about Jack's. He grabs the back of Jack's head and shakes it in good natured excitement while he presses his forehead to Jack's.
"Who taught you about needles??"
It's like he's clapping for a pet that just sat without being asked.
"It's a local anesthetic."
He watches to see if Jack knows what that means.

"Doctoring you is going to be almost as painful as it was to inflict the damage int he first place."


downwithmyship February 17 2009, 04:32:28 UTC
Saturday's amusement is annoying. Jack closes his eyes while Sat plays his little 'good doggy' games.
"Sheldon. Taught me .. about a lot."

He thinks for a moment and mouths the word, trying it out. 'Anesthetic'. It's familiar, but takes a moment or two. It's not penicillin or antibiotics or morphine. It's for pain, though. He finally recalls that it has something to do with pain.

"B..but the 'anesthetic', that should do away with pain, yes?"
He worries that he sounds too hopeful.


shooting_blind February 18 2009, 00:45:01 UTC
"I'll teach you more."
It's a sober promise.

Saturday flicks the syringe to float any air bubbles to the top.
"Yes. Temporarily. For the most part. You still might feel some discomfort."


downwithmyship February 18 2009, 03:24:46 UTC
Jack closes his eyes and stifles a sob. He doesn't doubt Saturday's promise.

He nods against the mattress, hating himself for being grateful for the little bit of relief, but he is. If this man is going to tend to the wounds his inflicted, Jack wants to be at least a little numb.


shooting_blind February 18 2009, 03:50:50 UTC
Saturday waits. And waits. Finally he clears his throat.
"This isn't a charity, Jacki. It's a negotiation. I get something in return."


downwithmyship February 18 2009, 04:07:13 UTC
He turns his head slowly, looking up at Sat with wide, sad eyes. What could Saturday possibly want or expect from him now? Jack can barely understand what's keeping him conscious now, aside from the pain and suffering itself.

"Whot? Whot d'you want from me? Whot more?"


shooting_blind February 18 2009, 04:27:49 UTC
Saturday is happy he doesn't have those big wet brown eyes anymore. They look so... human. Jack can pass out if he wants. Sat will wait.
He sighs.
"A kiss. What else?"


downwithmyship February 18 2009, 23:51:52 UTC
Jack's brows come together and his eyes squeeze shut in pain and shame. He doesn't want to give Saturday the satisfaction of his compliance, but he wants so badly for the pain to stop... He reminds himself again that he'll need his strength, mouth moving with unspoken words.

He strains to lift his head and tries to think of Sheldon.


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