For Eden AND Sylar

Aug 28, 2007 14:24

Eden's house is larger than Sylar's.

(She had Mohinder, after all. He mourned.)

On the whole this is not much of a recommendation, but being Eight-Hour's does wonders for your furnishing capabilities, and she's had every opportunity to make it habitable.

eden, sylar, tinygame

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carefulwishes August 28 2007, 18:51:45 UTC
Eden spent all day at home. Then she figured Sylar would be less likely to attack if she were in a crowded place - or if he did, she could at least call people to help her. So she's been visiting public places as often as she could. She spoke to a certain person and then another and got herself a gun.

Eden went to the bar earlier today. (Old habits don't die when the body does.) She worked off her buzz in the library, staring at Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart. (Old habits don't die.) She thought about how far she's sliding back into who she was - drinking, ignoring people, seeing them only for what she can get from them. She should stop it. She should make more friends. But it's so much energy. She barely has enough energy to feel fear and worry.

With a nod to the librarian, she left, intending to read Things Fall Apart at home. A young Indian man stopped her and gave her an amber bracelet - Eden is used to people stopping her. She's Eights' gal. (The booze didn't dull missing Mohinder. She's a selfish bitch for wanting him here ( ... )


downsidedarling September 3 2007, 00:27:05 UTC
I hate you, you vicious, sexy bastard, she thinks wildly as the order processes.

But there isn't even time to find out whether or not it worked before her self-made torch triggers at last. Fire rushes over her, destroying and recreating her every fibre, every cell - and this is a pain she cannot be commanded to dislike. Nanoseconds pass like centuries in the infinitesmal gap between departure and arrival; the sword falls from fingers that are no longer there, but travels mere millimetres before they reform around it.

With a sadistic grin Eight-Hour brings in her outflung hand, blade heading point-first for Sylar's neck.


carefulwishes September 3 2007, 18:09:55 UTC
It certainly won't be the first thing on either Eights or Sylar's mind, but Eden's body is engulfed in flame.

It takes twenty seconds for her body to actually come back. Important things have been going on during that time, surely!


the_brain_man September 4 2007, 08:07:09 UTC
Important things such as Sylar jerking back, startled by the sudden gout of flame as it roars out of Eight-Hour's body. And it's a good thing he did, as it means he's already moving when the sword comes swinging round. In the absence of snaffled super-reflexes, the result otherwise could have been extremely painful.

He throws out a burst of telekinesis that makes the sword skitter away, inches from his face, before wrenching it from her hands to his. (Its shape is all too reminiscent of Hiro Nakamura's, he realises with a jolt that he wishes he didn't feel; the blade goes flashing angrily into the wall and buries there, quivering, deep enough for the point to be seen on the far side.)


downsidedarling September 4 2007, 08:11:48 UTC
Important things such as Eights lunging forward, burning herself again as she does - perhaps, she thinks, if she keeps renewing he can't give her any orders that actually stick.

And in her line of work, you pick up some interesting tidbits. Sylar went after Eden; she wants to make him suffer for that, and if she has to do it with her bare hands, she can and will. She reaches, snarling, for his throat.


the_brain_man September 4 2007, 08:31:00 UTC
It's going wrong. It's going wrong again. It ALWAYS goes WRONG!

His hurried "Stop!" is eaten up by the flames as easily as if it were a normal, powerless, ordinary word. And though her heart is broken down and rebuilt in the space of a moment, the fury pounding in it is still clearly audible as her hands shoot out. His own hands meet her wrists, automatically, struggling, but right now she has the upper hand and he's forced backwards and down under her crushing grip. The next second he's cursing himself -- he acted like an ordinary human, like a cornered prey -- and gathers together yet another wall of telekinesis that rips her off and over him as he loses his balance.

From the hard floor -- she got him on the floor; how? How did the situation turn around so quickly? How could she have even touched him? -- he scrambles like a cockroach on its back, curses lost in coughing, and hauls himself to his feet.


carefulwishes September 7 2007, 15:52:51 UTC
Eden blinks a few times. Alive. Yes, she'd seen torchings happen - this is Downside - but she'd never had it happen to her yet. A new experience.

Using her powers to save her life isn't new at all. After two seconds of blinking stupidly at Eights and Sylar, she shouts, "NOBODY USE ANY POWERS!", gets to her feet and frantically searches for her gun.


downsidedarling September 7 2007, 16:09:17 UTC
Well. That makes things easier.

After finishing her latest torch, Eights walks to the wall, grabs hold of the handle of her sword, and heaves.

A few more like that should do the trick, and then she'll at least be armed. Provided, of course, Sylar doesn't interrupt her in the process of sword retrieval.

She finds it unlikely that he wouldn't.


the_brain_man September 7 2007, 20:59:02 UTC
Over the lights flashing in his vision, and the ache of oxygenated blood rushing back into his limbs, Sylar was reaching out towards Eights with telekinetic fingers. As it turns out, this is a brief and fruitless excercise.

His eyes widen in horror as the invisible threads fall away from him, no matter how frantically he gropes for them. As the symphony of noise around him shuts off so suddenly that he thinks for a few seconds that he's completely deaf. As he's blind again. Just like in the cell at Primatech-- blind, insensible, the world's workings closed to him like a door that's slammed shut.

"NO!" he half-shouts, his voice hoarse and wild and disbelieving.

His glare snaps about to Eden-- she did this to him, and he is going to tear her apart, with his bare hands if he has to. The muscles of a watchmaker don't carry any great strength, but they do have speed, and desperation, and uncontrolled fury behind them as he goes to beat and tear at any part of her he can reach. "Give them BACK!"


carefulwishes September 8 2007, 03:27:11 UTC
Eden sees the gun, and for a split-second puts Sylar in the 'not a threat' corner of her brain as she races towards her weapon. Take away the boogeyman's powers and he can't hurt you anymore.

Not the first mistaken Eden has ever made.

The young woman from Utah is no fighter. She stumbles to the side but not fast enough. It's five seconds before Eden works past the fear (and pain, because Sylar has her and he's so good at bringing pain, he's a master at it) and shouts, "Stop!"


downsidedarling September 8 2007, 03:33:23 UTC
The order wasn't meant for Eights, so it doesn't affect her.

This is good, as she's finally got that last, promising grip on the handle of her borrowed (stolen) sword. With a sharp yank she tugs it free of the wall and turns to face Sylar.

Two things keep her from decapitating him on the spot: the fact that Eden's order preventing his use of telekinesis would be nullified by the torch, and the fact that the sword has just punched through a wall at ridiculous speeds and really isn't in condition to decapitate anyone.

That doesn't mean she can't inflict lesser wounds, however. Eight-Hour takes a moment to consider which part of him she ought to stab first, idly twirling the sword in her hands as she does so.


the_brain_man September 12 2007, 11:15:20 UTC
The command is like shackles around his body, tugging him back -- worse, inside his body, and in his mind, so that he can no more move towards her than a paralyzed man can walk. She's taking away every weapon he has, bit by bit. It's a helpless and uncontrolled feeling, pathetic, making him something even less than a normal human. He strains furiously against the invisible bonds, teeth gritted.

The loss of Dale Smither's power hasn't made him deaf, though, and Eight-Hour's sword does not come quietly. Sylar is still mobile enough to look around at the noise of it finally being wrestled from the wall, and to turn all the way to face her, tensely, his eyes darting from the weapon to Eden to Eights like a cornered animal. He can't deal with the sword so easily, now, and he has nothing to counter it with, not even a stick to turn into a makeshift bludgeon. He's never been completely defenseless before.

When he sees Eight-Hour's expression, he breaks the promise he made to himself to never be afraid of another person.


carefulwishes September 14 2007, 16:12:29 UTC
Eden wants to scream, to cry, to run away and hide and for a moment become little Sarah again.

Eden wants to speak and tell Sylar to slice his own skin open, one cut for every person he killed, normal or powered. Wants to tell him to put his hands on his own throat and squeeze. Wants to watch his face when his heart bursts in his chest. For Chandra. For the ones whose names she never knew.

She stands still, beginning to shake, and grinds her teeth together.

She doesn't do anything, yet. But it would be so easy to start....


downsidedarling September 14 2007, 16:23:16 UTC
Eights looks to Eden.

Calmly: "He's yours, honey. What do you want to do with him?"

She can be sorry she didn't arrive in time later. She can behead the son of a bitch on the floor in front of her later, if Eden permits. She can ask what the fuck is up with the both of them having that voice later.


the_brain_man September 14 2007, 16:39:10 UTC
There has to be a way out of this. There has to be. Perhaps if they kill him he'll be free of the orders, just like they were -- but what's to stop Eden from speaking them again the second his body reconstructs? More than that, there's a dreadful finality to death, and an unshakable sense of failure, even if you're still walking around afterwards. Especially as if he hadn't died in the first place, he wouldn't be in this situation, cornered and hardly able to move--

He can only watch as they discuss his fate like a couple of poachers with a trapped animal, and as his heart beats the same staccatto rhythm that he's heard from countless victims before (but why is it coming from him?).


carefulwishes September 14 2007, 16:48:58 UTC
Eden's jaw tenses even further at Eights' words. What do you want? That's a question Eden's always asked herself.

She stares at Sylar, forcing a breath in and out. She's closed off stronger emotions, and reaches desperately for the control she had during her time in L.A.

"Tell me how Chandra Suresh died."


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