This was going to be a blatant excuse to write a long, elaborative post All About Me as well as throwing out questions to all of you, but it turns out that I have four million times the amount of work I thought. So, just questions.
» How/when/why did you first find yourself involved, interested in, or following an online fandom?
» What were your
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Comments 11
I LOVE Rimmer. I had a cruch on him too as kid, because I was so much like him (with the obsession with rules and other annoying neuroses) - I alaways felt personally affronted and kinda upset when he got the piss taken out of him.
Oh, Spike/Dru. Those were the days.
I've always preferred Buffy/Spike either in the context Buffy/Angel/Spike or with Angel as some sort of fucked-up issue in their "relationship". B/S in isolation is so... blah, though I can tolerate pre-S4 B/S more that post. Spike used to be such a badass. :(
Snape/student. Yes, so much disinterest it hurts.
- Luke/Lorelai, Pam/Jim, Logan/Veronica, Wincest, Petrellicest, Ryan/Taylor, Meredeth/Derek, Izzy/Alex, Addison/Alex, Mason/Daisy and Pacey/Joey is a never ending lurve.
» How/when/why did you first find yourself involved, interested in, or following an online fandom?
- Summer after grade 9 we finally got a home computer and it was hooked up onto the internet. I don't quite remember how I stumbled upon fanforum, but it helped bring out my fandomish tendancies. Fandom wise, it birthed me, while livejournal raised me.
» What were your first online fandoms (say, first three-ish)?- Dawson's Creek! And uh....uh.....I think that was my only big one for a longlonglong time and then I just had a burst of fandoming. To be honest at the moment I can't even remember what I fanned pre-VM. (edit: omg, I totally forgot about Dead Like Me!) I've loved Gilmore Girls for a really long time, so maybe that? I know that there was just a certain point in time where I shipped everything...every show I ( ... )
» Has the type of 'ship(s) you favour changed over time?- The thought of brothers together totally used to freak me out more than you know...seriously...but then contact with other people in the fandom, and watching more of SPN, eventually sucked me in. It's in the chemistry of the actors, you just can't help it on some level. And like I said, its totally ( ... )
I only every watched DC off and on, but Pacey/Joey were the fucking best.
Dawson and Joey are completely weird because I always saw them as friends and for them to ever be couple would be like dating a sibling or cousin. Ick. Besides, Joey and Pacey are so much better.
Peter/Carl because there's just no way it isn't true.
Oh. Oh, I'm gonna have to go re-read stuff now.
I think I was about eight when I first got a computer and I was interested in anime at the time, so I pretty much just went on fansite searches for my favorite anime. My best friend was also interested in anime at the time, and it just sort of blossomed from there.
» What were your first online fandoms (say, first three-ish)?
Like I said, I was into anime then, so it was Pokemon, Sailor Moon, and Digimon. Harry Potter soon followed, I think. Really, I can't remember how much fandoming I did back then. I don't think I was really aware of the concept of fandom.
» What were your first online 'ships?
Good question. I was eight at the time, so I wasn't really into shipping so much as general fandom. I liked Ash/Misty and James/Jessi of Pokemon fame, Usagi/Mamoru of Sailor Moon, and TK/Kairi of Digimon 02, but it wasn't that big of a deal for me back then.
» Favourite fandom(s) past or present?Sailor Moon will always have a fond place in my ( ... )
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