Ack, the problem with watching ALL THE THINGS is now there are too many awesome things to talk about.
But this was nibbling at me most, so...FRINGE YES LET'S TALK ABOUT FRINGE CAN WE HUH CAN WE?? :D
some comments on Fringe 4.01, with visual meta on the use of color and my wacky theories about what it means )
Comments 22
Gray/white...huh, the lack of color meaning the danger of losing all worlds -- lack of color?
Having seen 4.02, I see signs that the use of color is as purposeful as I thought. That saturation and the way certain colors, like blue, shout in certain scenes has to be deliberate.
I wonder if Walter still crossed over trying to save Peter, and both Peters died despite Walter's efforts and he broke the world and the Peters died anyway. OMG that's a reallly sad thought.
He did have that comment about "People die. Sometimes they even die twice" which is a big hint at that being the case. And the Observers said something about "not letting them know the boy grew into a man"? But they also said he never existed. IDEK, Fringe is too crazy to predict. *hearteyes*
Regarding the color green: Olivia's shirt was blue-green. Also, she was wearing colors. Did she not go through the cortexiphan trials in this universe?
Yes, the die twice line. Both Peters died. But somewhere out there, there is still a Peter.
I noticed they'd put Olivia in blue-green! Interesting.
Some of the questions you asked are things I keep thinking about, too. Mainly the paradox, what linked the universes, how they remember that and what lead up to it if there's been no Peter, and yeah, the baby. Ohh, my brain hurts. *lol*
After seeing 4.02 I'm even more convinced the color use is purposeful. *steeples fingers and ponders*
All I got.
Anna Torv deserves an emmy.
John Noble too.
Damn it.
Astrid in the field was awesome.
Mmmm, colors pretty! :D
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