SPN carries on

Apr 27, 2011 08:51

Supernatural renewed for Season 7.


ETA: now with detailed spoilers for the show to date in the comments

This kind of sums up what I've been trying to say about SPN and its supportings: I expect, and want, Sam&Dean to always be the central figures of the show, but it's been a very long time since they were my sole reason for watching. (Possibly they never were, given what John Winchester brought to the table in S1). I don't think disgruntlement over the treatment of Castiel, or Bobby, or the Harvelles, or Rufus, or any of the many, many supportings who go through that sad revolving door is misplaced. SPN sometimes it plays with being ensemble, and sometimes it doesn't. But Sam&Dean would be...less Sam&Dean to me without the other characters they interact with, all of whom have influenced Sam and/or Dean, and given more insight into their characters. Even a show structured like Supernatural, it's a flaw to me that they don't have a better grip on their supportings, who are so incredibly valuable to making the world of the two leads real. And that's just my slant on it -- people watch SPN for all kinds of reasons.

The show can have more than one function, and the fandom can have more than one type of fan, and it will not cause a tear in the fabric of reality and destroy the universe. For some it's about Sam and Dean and the rest is static. For others it's not. Oh, and yes, fandom, I laugh myself silly when I see rants about how YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THE ESSENCE OF SUPERNATURAL IS REALLY ABOUT or how the shippers of this or that pairing is RUINING THE FANDOM. *eyebrow*

Let's talk about Castiel -- personally I think it's more challenging and gripping to keep him as an ally character than have him go evil and become the big bad for S7, although the idea is interesting. I'm just saying it's *more* interesting to me if he's complicated and screwed up rather than an outright bad guy. And Dean and Sam have both done things they regret.

Anyway, Castiel is as much a part of SPN to me as the Winchesters. Castiel easily co-exists next to my Sam&Dean love. At times I worry the show doesn't share my view, and then there are eps like 6.17 where the show feeds not only my Dean/Castiel capslocking but my hearts-for-eyes over Sam-Dean-Castiel as adoptive brothers. The text treats Castiel as a supporting character, not a third lead, and that's fine for me, but I hope they do right by him.

supernatural, meta: supernatural

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