Ten things I'd like to see in SPN S6

Jul 18, 2010 20:02

It's probably early to be doing this, but there are going to be a boatload of spoilers coming out of Comic Con this week, so before my brain gets corrupted, I wanted to do this now. First I was curious how I made out on my season 5 wishlist. (LOL. Look how spoiler-avoidant I was. Although in S3 I was all about the spoilers. I go back and forth but atm spoiling myself for SPN is a survival tactic).

Here are the items that were on my S5 wishlist post, from 8/10/2009, in bold, and my comments today.

*We get to see Pamela one more time. Flashback? A ghost? A hallucination?
We did! In heaven, perpetually attending a concert and she wasn't evil. Thank you, show.

*Jo and Ellen fighting the good fight and NOT DYING. Or getting killed. Or maimed. At all.
Oh, fuck it. :(

*I'd like to see Bobby's relationship with Sam and Dean get a little more complex. Not too much--I like that Bobby's a benevolent father figure. But it's more interesting if the show doesn't fall too neatly into "John's the difficult father, Bobby's the nice parent" lines.
This I think I got. We saw more of his relationship with Sam, and how he views him, and his importance as extended family to Dean, and Bobby wasn't nice all the time. He has his troubles.

*Sam in a hospital bed, with tubes coming out of his nose, while Dean agonizes at his side. (What??)
I didn't get this! Let's put it on the list for S6!

::sob:: This is a perfect example of be careful what you wish for. We got a body swap episode but it wasn't Sam and Dean, and for reasons that go far beyond that logistical point, I despised the ep. Moving on.

*Anna returns and has a decent finish to her story arc
Anna returned! Whether it was a decent finish, I'm undecided. In the aggregate of the show killing off almost every women they've ever had, this is a lose. But it was a decent finish. My initial gut reaction to her ep was they'd villainized her but on rewatch and thinking and writing a fic about it, I've decided it was nuanced and she was, in a way, portrayed as a cold kind of hero. Win and lose on this.

*Castiel's wings. \o/
C'MON SHOW. Give it to me! I don't want this because it probably means Castiel is dead. /o\

*Sam and Dean learning how to be brothers again. I can't pull up more specifics than that, because there's just too much I want for them and a whole long list of things I'd like to see them acknowledge towards the other.
Jackpot. ♥♥♥

*more Sam and Castiel interaction

*as for Dean + Castiel...I'm easy. I mean, these two barely glance at each other and I'm ♥_♥ Okay, no, my thoughts are more complex than that, really, I do expect we'll see in canon a development of this awkward friendship they've started.
OMG. :D :D :D :D They developed the friendship. They cranked up the volume on the subtext. It was sweet and it was brutal and there were INNUENDOS. *falls over*

And now, Ten Things I'd Like For SPN Season 6. No actual S6 spoilers, speculation only.


*ETA: edited because destina scared me and reminded me why I don't want to see Castiel's wings. *shudders* So my official S6 wish for Castiel is for him to get further character development, him figuring out who he is, what he wants

*Unfulfilled S5 wish: Sam in a hospital bed, with tubes coming out of his nose, while Dean agonizes at his side. (Yes, I know. I still want it!)

*Jo and Ellen back from the dead because they're heroes and there is work for them to do and it's not a dream or hallucination and they aren't ghosts or evil

*Sam and Dean riding around in the Impala, saving people, hunting things, as they relearn their partnership, and they call each other "Jerk" and "Bitch" at least once

*The found family theme gets explored

*Team Free Will, Sam and Dean and Castiel kicking ass and looking after each other and the friendships keep developing

*Dean and Castiel HUG (I am still easy when it comes to them. I will settle for meaningful staring).

*No ambiguity about whether Sam will still go to the dark side/has dark evol powers/will be tempted to abuse said dark evol powers, he's 110% Sammy

*Sam and Dean each having some kind of moment of trying to figure out who/what they are outside of their family unit(s) and as hunters and as big brother or little brother

No S6 spoilers in the comments, speculation only.

*goes back to being all nonchalante about Season 6. NONCHALANTE* *snaps fingers*


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