Weekend, another SPN insta!rec, and Merlin being astonishingly not sparkly

Oct 04, 2009 21:22

Today was gorgeous, one of those perfect, warm fall days, and I went for a long walk, complete with finding a peaceful stream and a little waterfall. My fall allergies are a barrel of monkeys but otherwise, feeling better. Listened to Madonna for most of the walk, then switched to Ray Charles ( Read more... )

fanfic recs: supernatural, personal, merlin

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Comments 11

ivy03 October 5 2009, 01:50:53 UTC
The Merlin episode also didn't have nearly enough acknowledgment that Merlin incited a pogrom against the Druids, and then led Arthur and his knights directly to them. Yeah, way to go, there. Not to mention that lying to Arthur in this case led him to potentially kill innocent people--certainly to lead his men to do so. And...they're druids. They are presumably very powerful. And you're telling me they have no perimeter defenses at all? Really? The reason Uther hasn't gone after the druids before is presumably because it would be an extremely costly battle. But here, it's a route. Where are the giant scorpions when you need them ( ... )


dotfic October 5 2009, 02:03:54 UTC
Ha, yes, multiple plot point fail! I feel like I'm expecting a chocolate supply to give me my daily allowance of vitamins and protein but the show usually works its own light gestalt better than this, slipping in darker themes without wallowing in the dark, but without being utterly faily at looking at what they mean.

Merlin did seem sorry about inciting the pogrom but I think the enormity of that fell short in the context of the episode. It's not like the show never lets them get teary-eyed and angsty -- I guess I needed to see a tad more agonizing from Merlin.

Yes, I like the flowers scene. Arthur actually seemed to have given some thought to Merlin and what was going on with him.


ivy03 October 5 2009, 03:04:40 UTC
Also poignant since Arthur decided to give up his own romance with a servant just the previous week. So there is quite a bit of protectiveness in there.

I was actually mostly annoyed by Morgana's acting this ep, which was all rather one-note hyperventilating. Boo.


musesfool October 5 2009, 01:59:46 UTC
Thanks for the rec! I'm glad you liked the story.


dotfic October 5 2009, 02:06:13 UTC
I'm so glad you wrote it. The episode was just screaming for it, and of course, you filled out her character so skillfully.


apgeeksout October 5 2009, 04:55:52 UTC
It's nice how I wish for fic addressing certain things, and fandom delivers it to me on a tray, so convenient. \o/

Isn't that the best? Just FYI, a fair percentage of the time, it's you who unwittingly grants my fannish wishes.


dotfic October 6 2009, 02:52:51 UTC
Ha, I was just gloating about how fandom does it so I don't have to. But I'm so glad I grant you wishes! :D

*trails magic dust*


anniehow October 5 2009, 08:46:34 UTC
Someday I will stop being obsessed with the pocket universe of this episode. Today is not that day. Hurrah!

I kept blinking at the screen during Merlin, thinking "why are you acting like this? What about you? Why are you acting like this? And don't get me started on you!" And then I thought "Oh, right. Because Morgana must turn out evol and betray Arthur and help Mordred kill him, isn't it? So make her start hating everything about Camelot, and just keep winding her up until she snaps, eh?"


dotfic October 6 2009, 02:55:21 UTC
It's eating my braaaaaain (and maybe I will maybe manage to write the angsty fic that's nibbling at me. Maybe. I think I'm a little scared to write Dean/Castiel that dark just yet).

Bwaha, yes, watching that was very much a feeling of WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE WTF? Don't make me reach into my television to slap you with a trout!

Gah. I like Morgana's character, she intrigues me and I hate seeing her slung around like this for the sake of the plot.


astri13 October 5 2009, 12:01:52 UTC
Yes, to the Merlin rant. Because Gaius logic made no sense. He can teach Merlin but not Morgana because she is the King's Ward? In my book that gives her a better chance of survival if Uther found out. He would at least be conflicted because he loves her.

But other than that she would do the same thing Merlin does, keep it secret as best she can and learn. And drugging her all the time? Do you want her to become a vegetable, Gaius? It somehow came across like Gaius knew the legends and thought her not trustworthy but Morgana has never shown herself to be. And it will be that kind of ongoing betrayal who will drive her over the edge. *shakes head*

As for Dean/Risa, I would be interested to see the character return in present time. Always nice to see Lexa.


dotfic October 6 2009, 02:59:39 UTC
Yes. Gaius!fail. Gaius isn't supposed to be full of fail -- I mean, they are all flawed and they screw up, that's what's endearing, but not full of fail in the plot contrivancey way that makes me want to bang my head slowly against a flat surface.

They hinted -- Uther says he doesn't know what he'd do if she died. Meant, of course, to make us think, what happens if he finds out someday about her magic? So that was okay, and interesting.

But I can't believe how dense Gaius was and how demeaning and dangerous it is.

Risa came across very well in her small screentime -- smart and poised and obviously a seasoned soldier. (And yes, I would love to see Dean's face when he sees her in present time.)


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