Weekend, another SPN insta!rec, and Merlin being astonishingly not sparkly

Oct 04, 2009 21:22

Today was gorgeous, one of those perfect, warm fall days, and I went for a long walk, complete with finding a peaceful stream and a little waterfall. My fall allergies are a barrel of monkeys but otherwise, feeling better. Listened to Madonna for most of the walk, then switched to Ray Charles.

There was new Merlin, although it didn't get the usual sparkly gold stars from me because oh my GOD everyone was being so stupid about Morgana. Okay, Gaius was, and I love Gaius so much, I hate feeling like he's being really stupid.

Gwen is a sweetheart and she's just doing everything she can but has no idea what could be going on (there is a lot of delightful Gwen/Morgana going on, they're adorable).

Merlin tried, he really did. The show even got close to saying something interesting about Morgana's powers being stifled with sleeping potions, hushed up and denied, the subtext of that is interesting.

But Gaius, you ass. You've been tutoring Merlin for how long, you lecture him all the time about irresponsible magic. Kudos that the show had Merlin call Gaius out about it, talking about what it was like before he came to Camelot and how frightening it was when he was first figuring out his powers.

So, I get that Gaius is frightened, but he's been hiding Merlin all this time, and does he honestly think hushing Morgana up and making her think she's nuts and not giving her any help at all with her powers is going to end any where but in tears and disaster?

I realize the episode intended that to be part of the story but that is just stretching the credibility, Gaius is not that stupid.

I also spent most of the episode yelling at the screen, oh just tell her, Merlin! Because the one person who gave her hope that magic could be a force for good is now dead (and thanks, show, for killing the black dude. *slow clap of sarcasm*) and there's Merlin, who is her friend, and walking proof magic is not used for evil, and knowing would make her feel less alone.

Wow, it is very strange to feel the need to rant about Merlin! We don't want this to happen again.

I rewatched SPN 5x04 again. Because I can't seem to stop staring at it. I have another SPN fic insta!rec, a het coda. musesfool wrote Dean/Risa, The Dover Test and as far as I'm concerned, that's pretty much how it went between them, and Risa's pov is so believable.

Risa's life is a series of befores and afters.

Someday I will stop being obsessed with the pocket universe of this episode. Today is not that day.

It's nice how I wish for fic addressing certain things, and fandom delivers it to me on a tray, so convenient. \o/

fanfic recs: supernatural, personal, merlin

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