Title: Then I'll Wave and Say Goodbye
dotficRating: Gen, PG, preseries, pov of guest character from 4x02
W/C: 900
Disclaimer: Property of Eric Kripke and The CW.
a/n: Title from Gracie Allen. Thank you to
innie_darling for the wonderfully helpful and speedy beta. Written for
spn_xx gen flashfic
challenge #27. (
It was better when she didn't know their names. )
Comments 44
It had its parleys and its lulls, but no treaties and no end.
Oooh, lovely.
Sometimes, I swear, the show drops these thumbnail characters in there just so the fandom will play with them...*g* ("Hey, Eric, don't you think we should drop a little background on her into the ep?" "Don't worry about it, Bob, the fandom will take care of it. *evil cackle*" )
Thanks so much!
Thanks so much. Her on-screen time really is quick, like snapshots, but I like how they managed to hint and suggest, made it easy to play with (she has the three stooges on TV but she's reading an arcane book on magic, philsophy and freemasonry).
It made so much sense to me that a hunter would be a classic comedy buff. Of course, Three Stooges is also standard late night tv fare, so it might've just been what was one. But I feel in love with the idea that she was really into the old comedy teams, to offset the horror of her life (the way Dean, in his own weird way, uses horror movies to offset the real horror of his life).
I loved the bit we got about Olivia and you did a wonderful job fleshing her out and what she knew of the ghosts who attacked her
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