SPN double drabble: It's Just One of Those Days (Gen, PG), birthday fic for vaznetti

Mar 19, 2008 18:23

Happy birthday, vaznetti! I'm not sure, but this might be crack!fic. *checks* Yes, it's definitely crack!fic (I'm sure I'm not the first one around here to have done this, though) and I did it on purpose and it's John Winchester-shaped just for you.

It's Just One of Those Days
Gen, PG, 200 words. Preseries. Crack!fic

a/n: Written for vaznetti's birthday.

Summary: He hopes there's something in the hunter manual for this.

"I appreciate the help...and you can stop laughing now, Caleb." John didn't bang the phone back into its cradle. "Smart-ass."

His upper back itched like crazy.

He felt a tugging, and looked down to see Sam had climbed up on the bed. He stared with eyes so wide John was worried the kid had forgotten how to blink.

Sam put out a small hand to touch. "Soft." Then his little forehead creased, his toddler brain trying to puzzle this out.

"Dude." Dean sat on the other bed, also gaping. "This is soooo freakin' cool."

"Don't say freakin'." John turned to eye himself in the mirror. "And it's not cool. It's a pain in the a--neck."

Literally. The unaccustomed weight pulling at his shoulders threw off his balance; he felt like he might topple over.

Who knew wings were so goddamned heavy?

"Daddy fly!" Sam clapped his hands.

"Can you?" Dean looked like he'd won the lottery.

"Don't know." John rubbed a hand over his face, wishing he could sleep for a month.

"Will you take us flying?"

"No! And Dean...the next time I tell you don't touch anything...don't."

Dean looked down at his shoes. "Yes, sir."

Then he snickered.

supernatural fanfic, supernatural drabbles

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