I'm going to try to ACTUALLY KEEP UP WITH THIS. Maybe. Hopefully. Probably not.
June 30th - July 7th
Intro post - topped by moogles. ._.
Ewww het. And seniority. (Anko)
Little girls > Kurogane. (Eiko) [Note: Kuro is now officially Eiko's bitch :|]
Cure for moogles = Tuesday soup! (Ben Skywalker)
MARRIED. (Lyzzle, audience. Normally I wouldn't include audience!threads, but their conversation was quite long!)
Exposition, swords, and Japanese. (Hiro Nakamura)
Tiny Goku is tiny. (Goku)
The mean shinigami laughed at meeeee. D: (Shunsui)
Helpfulness! (Jr.)
Counseloring 101 + crazy transportation. (Gojyo)
ASSKICKING THWARTED BY MOOGLES. Also, touched by het. (Koutarou, Chizu-nee)
It's ... Subaru? With breasts? (Sumeragi Hokuto)
Gentlemanly lecture. (Nokoru)
SHOUTING IN THE MESS HALL :| (Izumi Curtis) [Injuries: lightly bruised from being ABUSED ;o;]
Fighter isn't helping either. >: (Fighter)
Shut up, Akiha. >/ (Akiha)
Invisible shikigami! (Masahiro)
Catching a fluffy thing by the tail. (Guren)
I'M SORRY. (Ritsu)
Moogle dodgeball. (Rosette)
Making friends? (Fuuko)
GIMME BACK MY SWORD. (Watanuki) [canon issues]
Ninja vs. Gundam Jesus. (Kira Yamato)
Topping Shigure. (Shigure)
What do you mean, I can't kill all the moogles? (Orihime)
Tenth person :| (Kakeru)
Page 2
Topped by princess. Continuation. (Kairi) [Note: moved into her cabin. Wherever that is. Also, severely, severely topped. She's the first person in camp he's talked to about his issues. Not bad for the first post!]
I'll get you next time, gadget furball! (Kamo)
Respect and protection. Sounds like a relationship to me. (Zexion)
Fluffy Fay clone! (Himawari) [Note: Some canon issues touched on here. Mostly because Himawari is a Fay analog in some ways.]
FAITO. (Kanda) [Note: Need to contact Ticky and follow up on this.]
All these are first-time conversations, so I'm not marking them. From here on out, all first-time intros will be marked with an asterisk.
July 1st-2ndish
You two are so gay. And also wimpy. (*Ando and Hiro)
Needs more sake. (*Raphael)
Are you a witch? Do you float in water? (*Urd)
Our weapons. Let us show each other them. (Kairi) [Note: Kurogane now knows that Kairi is female.]
You must be new. (*Wolfwood)
Still Eiko's bitch. (Eiko) [Regen spell: all minor bruises / injuries repaired. The burns are probably looking better too.]
Nice corpses. (*Tia Dalma)
July 4th
Go go go crossdressing! (*Hikaru and *Yuujirou)
July 5th
Luggage post - I can has sword?
Toppy princess is still topping. ._. (Kairi) [lots of canon stuff here - also had his sword absorbed into his hand a la spoilers.]
Your job is better than mine. (*O'Connell)
Early wakeup call. (Rosette)
Some kind of bird? (*Michael)
World-traveling sucks, kid. (*Toph)
Damn you giggly girls. :| (*Suzuna)
Incredible shrinking kid? (*Chrno)
Connections. (Himawari) [canon crossovery goodness]
Speak of the -- (*Jean-François de Morangias)
Your husband's gonna get sworded. :| (Wolfwood)
New York is where? (*Dee)
Ugh, poison. (*Yuki Eiri)
July 7th
Loud not-brothers are loud. (*Simon and *Kamina) [Injuries: bruised face, shallow cuts, other punching/kicking bruises.]
P.S.: Not gay. (Anko)
Where's the alcohol, ferret? (Kamo)
Kurogane scares small children campers. (*Keele)
Dense aura fluffy thingy. (Guren)
Nice hair. (*Radu)