Title: Daddy's Love (Prompt: Kiss)
Words: 100
Rating: G
Other characters/pairings: Harry/Ginny
Warnings: None
"So, what's going on at Hogwarts, Lily?" asked Ginny.
Lily sighed, but hesitated.
"You know, you can talk to me about anything," said Ginny.
Lily's face fell, but she said," Nothing much, I realised that, I'm a bad kisser."
"Boys kiss me only once, and then they never look at me."
"Harry!, What did you do?" asked Ginny.
"What makes you think, I have got anything to do with it? But whatever it is, it's bloody perfect," said Harry.
"I know you too well, for your own good."
"Okay, I might have charmed her lip balm to bogey flavour."