So sorry this came in a bit (a bit, my foot) late, but riisha and I were busy, so we neglected our mod-ly duties. ^^; But we're back again, and I hope you guys get back to posting again soon
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A/N: Forgot to put this in the first one. I don't own Naruto, the quote "History is written by the winners", or the song in Part I. And somehow, this whole post turned bold. ...I have no idea why. ... ... ... ...
A/N: Divided into parts because I write big and it won't all fit into one post. I've tried. D: Fandom: Naruto Pairing: Obito/Rin, Rin/Kakashi Prompts: Kakashi, Minato, war, picnics, death, love
Title: Thirty-One (and Other Milestones) Challenge: lemon_church Church of Lemon Drive 2009 - February 19 Series: Naruto Characters: SasuSaku Rating: R Word Count: 5567 Related Fics: Closure, from "Kataga" (not necessary to read)
Okay well, just a quick explanation for this: one of my favourite artists on Y!Gallery started these wonderful pixel drawings (I'll link each character to their corresponding image below, though I'm not entirely sure if everyone can see them. Y!G is finicky that way.) and... somehow it wound up with us talking. She 'gave' Tangerine to me (I love
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