Title: A Deal’s A Deal, So Says The Devil
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts
Rating: PG-7
Character/Pairing: *cough* Hades/Maleficent
Notes: …I know. This pairing is utter crack. ^^; I blame a particular episode on “House of Mouse”, where Hades actually falls in love with Maleficent, and goes out of his way just to get her attention. She eventually relents and
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Comments 4
My brain went incoherent... I can't say much more than that... XD XD I love Hades, and I love the way you did him... and you're right... He does seem like the type to say what you made him say... XD I choked on my water a couple of times.
HUGS! XD Now if only I could have the same success...
Let's spread the Hades/Maleficent love....XD XD XD
(Amazingly enough, there are no Hades/Maleficent fics on FFnet. Only Pete/Maleficent ones. O.o;;;)
Thank you for reading! ^_^ *glomps*
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