10 Williams

Dec 08, 2010 00:06

Title:10 Williams
Fandom: Young Avengers
Table/Prompt: Table 8/17. Important
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 747
Summary: Another 10 alternate universes written for that one meme.

1. wild west:

Strikes-With-Lightning held his head high, straightened his buckskin shirt, checked his feathers, then cast a quick glance at the shaman. The old man rolled his eyes expressively and gave his young student a look that said, 'If you don't go, I am going to tie you to a very large rock and drown you in the nearest river.' He turned back to the white men who had come into his tribe's territory looking for him, smiled, and said, "I'm William. What can I do for you?"

2. cyberpunk:

Billy opened the window, inhaled deeply, and automatically regretted it. Coughing and sputtering, he quickly shut the window against the foul air, desperately trying to redo the seals he had illegally undone. Little bolts of lightning arced across his skin, running from the implant on his left palm up to the one one his temple and back down again. "One of these days," he said to himself, "I'm going somewhere that has clean air."

3. furries:

His tail lashed back and forth wildly, the only outward indication that Billy was anything but calm. His brother curled up on the couch, purring like he'd gotten into the cream.

"No one would blame me," he muttered. "No jury in the universe would convict me..."

4. pirates:

"I would kill for a fresh orange," Billy announced to no one in particular as he helped shove the cannon into place. "Or even a not so fresh one. Anything, really."

"Do you ever shut up?"

5. ...in SPACE!!:

"I swear to God, Billy, if you make ONE MORE Star Trek joke-!" Eli snapped.

"How about Firefly, then?"

6. born another gender:

Willhelmina Kaplan looked at the shirt her mother had picked out for her. It was... nice, she guessed. The kind of thing her mother was constantly trying to encourage her to wear. But it was also frilly and it was pink. There was a skirt folded up beneath it, which was ultimately what caused her to turn to her closet, dig out her most torn up pair of jeans, and pull her favorite Scarlet Witch t-shirt out of it's hiding place.

She knew her mother would just roll her eyes at this little act of rebellion, but Willa didn't really care. Red was good, but pink was so very not her. And who the hell wore a skirt when they were riding a bike to school, anyway?

7. schoolfic:

Tommy leaned over, blocking Billy's line of sight. "If you keep staring at him like that, you're gonna burn a hole into him."

"Shut up and go away," Billy hissed.

"Just go over there and talk to him."

"What part of shut up and go away didn't you get? He's on the basketball team, Tommy. I go over there, I'm begging for a new swirly."

"I'll go talk to him if you don't."

8. urban fantasy:

Billy poured a little milk in the bowl and set it down in a dark corner before quietly backing away. He did his best to hold perfectly still until he saw movement in the shadows. Something small moved there, large eyes shining in what little light there was in the room. It watched Billy while Billy watched it, slowly edging towards the bowl of milk. It finally reached the bowl itself, leaning over just enough that Billy could get a good look at the creature. It was small and sturdy looking, with a weathered face the color of mahogany and a thin, sharp nose, which twitched as it sniffed the milk.

"Two percent?"

"I'll get whole milk in the morning, if you'd prefer, but it was this or soy."

9. harem:

Prince William smiled sweetly at his grandfather as he stepped into the office, shutting the door behind him. "You wanted to see me, sir?"

The old man had that pinched look he got sometimes, usually when Tommy had done something stupid. William was rarely on the receiving end, though today...

"What is this," he sighed, "about you building a harem?"

William kept the smile firmly in place. "I wouldn't call it a harem, exactly, sir."

"Is it filled with half naked people?"


10. Dreseden-verse:

Billy the Werewolf waved Harry over. "Hey! Get over here and meet Other-Billy!"

"How come I'm Other Billy? Why can't you be Other Billy?"

marvel, wiccan, young avengers

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