Title: The Quality of Mercy
dorksidefikerFandom: X-Men
Characters: Anole, Rockslide
Prompt: Table 2/29. Benevolent
Word Count: 182
Rating: PG
Summary: In which the tables are turned.
Warnings: None.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Victor peered at Santo over the top of his cards, barely able to suppress his grin. For a moment, Santo actually looked scared. Then he seemed to remember that this was Victor, and that Victor was nice and would never do half the crap to Santo that Santo did to him when he won a bet. This only made Victor’s urge to grin evily grow. Victor laid his cards down, and Santo groaned. Victor scooped up the marker. “You’re mine for a week.”
Santo looked like he was about to say something, but he caught the gleam in Victor’s eyes. “Now, Vic, we’re buddies… right?”
“Yeah, Santo, sure,” Victor said sweetly. This only served to make Santo feel more uneasy.
“Right, good, so-” Santo stood up.
“So I’m sure Megan has some bows you can borrow,” Victor said. “That would be a good start.”