Title: The Last Straw Fandom: X-Men Characters: Victor Borkowski/Jay Guthrie Prompt: 69. Tease Word Count: 745 Rating: NC-17 Summary: Victor’s been working on Jay for a while. Author's Notes: Written for the marvel_kink meme.
(now I'm the one who's too lazy to sign in)hawkeye_yaAugust 5 2010, 07:54:26 UTC
This was good. I usually have a hard time seeing Jay slash (or Jay/anyone) because he was just so cute hopelessly crushing on Sooraya. But this? Ja, I could see it. ^_^
Re: (now I'm the one who's too lazy to sign in)hawkeye_yaAugust 5 2010, 08:07:27 UTC
That's all I can ask. ... No, wait, it's not. You wanna feel compleatly accomplished? I've got an OT stumper for you; I'm stuck on who Cessily's roommate was at Xavier's.
Re: (now I'm the one who's too lazy to sign in)dorksidefikerAugust 5 2010, 08:15:15 UTC
Huh. Good question.
I don't recall her ever being shown as having one. I usually stick her with one of the Vale sisters (Sarah from Alpha Squadron or Jessica from... whatever Megan's squad was called)
Comments 5
No, wait, it's not. You wanna feel compleatly accomplished? I've got an OT stumper for you; I'm stuck on who Cessily's roommate was at Xavier's.
I don't recall her ever being shown as having one. I usually stick her with one of the Vale sisters (Sarah from Alpha Squadron or Jessica from... whatever Megan's squad was called)
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