Title: But I Don’t Have to Like It
fullmetal_cuteFandom: X-Men
Characters: Victor Borkowski, Scott Summers
Prompt: Table 2/14. Blood
Word Count: 361
Rating: PG
Summary: In which Scott finds himself trying to keep the peace between two sets of younger mutants.
Warnings: Minor spoilers for New Mutants #1.
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Also, this is one of my first attempts at writing Scott, so I’m sorry if I don’t get him right. He doesn’t really live in my head.
There was blood on Victor’s knuckles when he emerged from the training room, though a quick wipe from a towel revealed newly healed skin beneath, and his jaw was clenched so tightly it made Scott’s teeth ache. His whole body was tense with unreleased anger, despite the last few hours in the Danger Room.
Scott hadn’t had much to do with the young mutant back in Westchester, but he certainly didn’t remember seeing the young man this angry.
But Westchester felt like a lifetime ago. A lot of things had changed since then.
“I heard there was an incident with Illyana.”
“If you think I’m gonna apologize for that, you’ve got another thing coming.” On the surface, the boy sounded perfectly calm, but beneath that…
Scott had been tempted to send Jean-Paul to talk to Victor, but the last time that had happened, Jean-Paul had ended up with a broken nose and Victor had disappeared. Not something Scott cared to see a repeat of. Victor was one of the ones most of the younger mutants listened to, and where he went, others would follow.
“I don’t expect you to,” he said. “But I do expect you to not start fights because of her. That would end badly for everyone. I know you don’t want her here, but this is a sanctuary for all mutants. If we turned away everyone who’d ever attacked us…”
“Spare me.” Victor made a disgusted noise. “I’ll leave the psycho witch along for now, but I sure as hell don’t have to like her being here, and I’m not going to pretend that we’re all one big happy mutant commune or anything.”