Title: Untitled Fandom: Ultimate Marvel Characters: Jean-Paul/Piotr Prompt: 66. Anger Word Count: 100 Rating: PG Summary: Jean-Paul’s starting to get angry at Piotr. Author's Notes: I own nothing.
Well that's because right after that the entire Ultimate Universe goes ape shit and Magneto floods New York with a tsunami that kills like everyone and everyone's focused on that instead. UX-Men is supposed to be one of the titles that gets canceled.
Besides, isn't Colossus trapped in his metal form because if he turns back he might die, but without Banshee he can't move?
Comments 3
I'm so behind on Ult X-men. The last I read was the end of the Banshee arc, what's happened since? Is JP still in a chair? Is he curable?
Besides, isn't Colossus trapped in his metal form because if he turns back he might die, but without Banshee he can't move?
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