Title: Return of the Mutant Ninja Pirate Zombie Space Monkeys
dorksidefikerPairing/Character/etc: Mirah Guthrie, Grace Summers
Fandom: That Damn Mpreg
Rating: PG-13
Theme: 9. Past
Disclaimer: All mine mine mine mine~! *does the dance of MINE*
Note: Another
That Damn Mpreg story from your favorite mad fangirl.
The fence post came crashing down on the alien mutant zombie simian’s already rotting skull, splitting it open like an over ripe melon. Mirah Guthrie yanked her improvised club free, lips pulled back in a snarl as she moved between her cousin Grace and the undead ninja pirates.
“I don’t know what you think you’re doing,” the human sneered, “but this little girl here’s a Guthrie and if you mess with one Guthrie, you’re taking us all on.”
The lead space monkey screeched and chattered, flesh falling from its hands as it gestured to the woman and girl.
“Bring it, you undead cunts!”