Untitled Belated Valentines Day Fic

Feb 23, 2009 10:11

Title: Untitled Belated Valentines Day Fic
Author: fullmetal_cute
Fandom: Runaways
Table/Prompt: Table 1/8. Floor
Character/Pairing: Chase/Gert
Rating: PG
Word Count: 227
Summary: In which Chase ends up on the floor, and Gert snores.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: I own not one thing. Sueing me would be a waste of time, and I’m sure you all know it.

Chase woke up very suddenly on the floor, his legs still on the bed and tangled in the sheets. Gert was still blissfully snoring away, but Old Lace cracked open an eyelid and looked at him disdainfully before tucking her head beneath the bulk of her body like a cat. Chase watched the genetically engineered dinosaur with the kind of thoughtful look that only came from being jostled from a deep sleep before climbing back into bed, flopping down next to Gert.

This time, Gert did wake up, and she gave him the same disdainful look Old Lace had bestowed on him a few moments before. Chase countered that look with a sleepy kiss before curling up next to her, an arm draped over her waist and his nose buried in her hair. Gert snorted in a good natured way and threaded her fingers through Chase’s.


“Morning,” Gert whispered back. “S’almost morning.”

“Meh.” Chase yawned and wriggled into a more comfortable position. “Too early. Sleep now.”


runaways, marvel, gert, chase stien

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