Title: Destiny Fandom: Young Avengers Characters: Anelle, Sarah Altman, Teddy Prompt: 5. Destiny Word Count: 207 Rating: PG Summary: If he’d looked like a Skrull, maybe things would have been different. Disclaimer: I don’t own anything. ( Read more... )
I like this. It always seemed to be that Princess Anelle got shafted in this whole debacle.
I've often thought about what it was like for Sarah Altman those first few months/years on Earth. I can't even begin to imagine the sheer culture shock she had to go through. Someday, when school is not eating my brain, I'll have to write something.
The idea won't leave me either but I'm stuck into schoolworks probably as much as you are... hopefully, later... but please, if you ever manage to find time to write down your ideas, I'd be delighted to have a look at them!
Comments 8
I've often thought about what it was like for Sarah Altman those first few months/years on Earth. I can't even begin to imagine the sheer culture shock she had to go through. Someday, when school is not eating my brain, I'll have to write something.
THANKS for not letting her fall into oblivion!
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