Title: Old Home
Fandom: Runaways
Characters: Molly, Klara
Prompt: 48. Empty
Word Count: 141
Rating: PG
Summary: Molly takes a chance and visits her old home.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
My Table Klara followed Molly through the window, her racing heart beat the only think breaking the silence of the large, empty house.
Molly made a soft noise, not unlike a kicked puppy. “It’s all gone.”
Klara’s feet stirred up dust on the floor as she followed Molly. There was not even so much as a stick of furniture left in what had once been her home, no sign that people had ever live there. “We should go,” the girl said. Her voice seemed unnaturally loud to her in the stillness.
Molly kept her back to Klara, and her voice sounded odd as she spoke. “Alright. Yeah. Lets… go.”