Title: 16
fullmetal_cutePairing: Victor Mancha/Molly Hayes
Fandom: Runaways
Theme: 5. Calm before the Storm
Disclaimer: I own Nothing!
"It's quiet," Molly said. Victor nodded, his hand tangled in her hair. She sighed softly as he scratched her scalp, smiling sleepily as she kissed his shoulder. She caught a glimpse of Victor's face and frowned, reaching up to touch his cheek. "Stop that."
Victor closed his eyes. "Molly..."
"Don't you 'Molly' me. I knew what I was doing, so you can cease with the guilt."
"I'm Catholic. We perfected guilt."
"You have nothing to feel guilty about," she said seriously.
The look on Victor's face made it clear he felt otherwise.