Young Avengers

Oct 29, 2008 10:44

Title: Young Avengers
Fandom: X-Men/Young Avengers
Characters: Billy, Victor, Vision
Prompt: 22. I’m sorry about the madness, but that’s the way it’s got to be. - Reckless, Papa Roach
Word Count: 246
Rating: PG
Summary: Even if he didn’t end up joining the Young Avengers with Iron Lad was picking his team, doesn’t mean he’s not still on the list.
Author's Notes: Part of my What If Billy Kaplan Never Joined the Young Avengers series.

[William Kaplan?]

Billy stopped dead in his tracks, his hand still in Victor’s as they both looked at the colorfully dressed group of young super-heroes blocking their path. “Billy,” he corrected.

“It’s those guys that wrecked that church on TV,” Victor murmured.

[Billy, then,] the brightly colored android, who seemed to be the spokesman for the group, said. [We need your help.]

“My help? Okay.” Billy turned and pointed. “The Xavier Institute is that way. The X-Men are in, and they know what they’re doing.”

[We thought we should speak to you. You are listed amongst a number of people who the original Vision felt should be a part of the next generation of Avengers. One of our teammates was recently captured, and we think your abilities would be the most useful in getting him back.]

Victor felt a chill run down his spine as he watched the shifting expressions on Billy’s face as the boy’s hand slipped free of his own.

“I’m listening.”

vision, marvel, wiccan, x-men, young avengers, anole

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