Title: Your Fault
Fandom: New Warriors
Characters: Jono, Jubilee
Prompt: 53. Because of You
Word Count: 138
Rating: PG
Summary: There was a chocolate cherry cheesecake bribe involved.
Author's Notes: I own nothing.
“How did you talk me into this?” Jono muttered, giving Jubilee a dark look when she laughed.
“I think there may have been a chocolate cherry cheesecake bribe involved,” she grinned, tugging the lapels of Jono’s jacket and reaching up to muss his hair.
“And you had to tell everyone about this because…?”
“We all need a night out, and everyone wants to support you in your artistic endeavors.”
“They’re here to mock me,” he retorted, clutching the handle of his guitar case.
“Then don’t give them anything to mock. Knock ‘em dead, break a leg, whatever.”