Title: Church Goer Fandom: MC2 Characters: Darkdevil, Doc Magus Prompt: 4. Faith Word Count: 146 Rating: PG Summary: “I can’t help but be surprised to find you here.” Disclaimer: I own nothing.
I really liked this one. Darkdevil as a religious guy makes a lot of sense to me, even if it seems pretty odd. (But between being mentored by Daredevil and his evangelical relatives... and I will stop geeking now.) Plus, I just like the idea of Doc Magus sort of being buds.
Thank you. Honestly, I'd love to see more of Doc Magus and Darkdevil in the comics, but until such a time... I shall make due with my twisted little imaginings.
Comments 3
Although I'm also good with twisted things!. They're my fave MC2 crack pairing.
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