Title: The Spot
dorksidefikerFandom: Young Avengers/X-Men
Prompt: 30-B/22. Tactile
Character/Pairing: Tommy/Megan
Rating: PG
Word Count: 142
Summary: There’s this one spot, right between Megan’s wings…
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: I own nothing, and yes, this is STILL
crazedwolf’s fault.
“Toooommy!” Megan spun around,, her wings fluttering as her face flushed scarlet. “Stop it!”
Tommy failed at looking innocent, darting around to tweak Megan’s wings. “You’re so cute when you blush,” he teased as she spun around again. “And you make the best noises.” He got behind her again, caressing the spot between her wings. Megan shivered, but this time she didn’t move.
“Oooh, but I’ve gotta…” She squirmed as Tommy continued to stroke the spot between her wings. “I’ve gotta go, Tommy. People are waiting for me…”
“They can wait,” Tommy purred.
“But you can’t?”