Title: Follow You Home
Fandom: New Warriors/New X-Men
Characters: Anole, Pulsar, Night Thrasher
Prompt: 51. Impressed
Word Count: 170
Rating: PG
Summary: Victor’s a little bit impressed by the place, though he hates to admit it.
Author's Notes: I own nothing.
“I wasn’t about to leave him there,” Christian said, his voice nearly a growl as he rounded on Night Thrasher. Several yards away, Victor pretended he couldn’t hear the brewing argument while he looked around what Christian had only half-jokingly called the Ex-X-Mansion.
He hated to admit it, but he was a little bit impressed by the place.
But he didn’t really belong here, no matter what Christian and Sofia said. And Night Thrasher was clearly going to say as much.
“He said you could stay. On a trial basis,” Christian said, something that was almost a smile pulling at his lips.
It took Victor a few moments to process that announcement. “What?”
“You can stay here, with us, and be a part of the team. If you want.”