Title: No Sleep
Fandom: X-Men
Characters: Victor Borkowski, Jean-Paul Beaubier
Prompt: 83. Restless
Word Count: 320
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Victor’s NOT being paranoid.
Author's Notes: I own nothing. Set after the events of Divided We Stand #1.
Victor’s moth tasted like ashes, but he was getting used to that. It almost felt comfortable.
With a weary sigh, he sat down and pulled out his map and flashlight. He’d crossed the Ohio River yesterday, and now he was somewhere in Kentucky. If he kept following the highway, he’d be in Louisville… eventually. It didn’t matter. He wasn’t actually going anywhere, he was just going.
Maybe he’d head towards Cumberland. He’d been there once on a class trip to see the Falls, when he was younger. That was the same year his parents had taken him to the Kentucky Derby, just before he went to Xavier’s.
Victor shook his head, his eyes almost drifting closed before snapping open again. He glanced around sharply, hunting the shadows for unseen watchers.
It had been like that for the last few days.
Someone was following him.
Or maybe he’d finally, really snapped.
“Whoever you are, just leave me alone.”
Crickets chirped, and a lonely firefly hovered along nearby.
Victor buried his face in his hand, his shoulders shaking as he tried to keep it together.
Victor was sure he wasn’t going mad. The blanket had appeared during the brief moments he had slept.
But now he was scared and angry.
He’d told them to leave him alone.
“For the record, I let you hit me.”
Victor growled softly, looking up. He felt a twinge of pride at the rather magnificent pair of raccoon eyes and the bandage across Mr. Beaubier’s nose.
“Your mother sent me to fetch you, and I assure you that her glower is far more impressive than yours.”
“I’m not going back.”
“You act as though this is open for debate.”