Title: The Ride
Fandom: X-Men, Marvel
Characters: Victor Borkowski, Athena, Hercules, Amadeus Cho
Prompt: 94. Thankful
Word Count: 137
Rating: PG
Summary: After punching Northstar, Vic catches a ride.
Author's Notes: I own nothing.
“Thanks for stopping,” Victor said as he cautiously peered at the grey eyed woman and the Asian boy who had finally stopped for him as he had walked down the highway. He was, of course, ready to bolt at the first sign of trouble, but there was something about the woman that soothed most of his worries.
Of course, the boy just raised those worries again. There was something about him that was just a little bit too intense.
“Why have we stopped? Is there beer?” a man grumbled from within, sitting up and dislodging what sounded like some kind of small dog.