Title: Don’t Panic
Fandom: X-Men
Characters: Victor Borkowski/Amadeus Cho
Prompt: 13. Calm
Word Count: 161
Rating: PG
Summary: The important thing is to not panic.
Author's Notes: Part of my That Damn Mpreg series.
The important thing, Victor knew, was not to panic. Panicking wasn’t going to do anyone any good. “Say that again?” he asked, stalling for time to calm down.
Amadeus gave him an ‘Oh, I’ve been a bad boy,’ grin, the one that usually kept Victor from blowing his gasket. “We’re stuck.”
“Define ‘stuck’, Cho,” Victor said slowly, a touch of frost in his voice.
“Well, the warp drive’s broken. From the fight, remember? I took parts out to make that blaster thing, and then it got broken… anyway, we’re just drifting here.” The smile took on a more sheepish quality.
“… right. Can you fix it?”
Now Amadeus looked offended. “Of course I can.”
“Then why don’t you do that while I send out a distress signal?”