Title: A Date
Fandom: X-Men
Characters: Megan, Vic/Rictor
Prompt: 31. Ecstatic
Word Count: 212
Rating: PG
Summary: It’s not REALLY a date…
“So, are you actually going to tell anyone who you’ve got a date with?” Megan asked. “Or are we going to have to follow you all night?”
“What makes you think I’ve got a date?” Victor replied, projecting an innocence that his teammate wasn’t buying.
“You’re wearing your good leather jacket with the pullover that brings out your eyes, and that really expensive body spray that you only pull out when you’ve got a date. Who is it? I promise I won’t tell anyone.”
“Cross your heart and hope to die?”
Megan pouted at her reptilian comrade, her eyes wide and her lower lip trembling. “C’mon, Vic.”
“It’s Rictor, and it’s not a date. We’re just meeting for drinks.”
“Rictor? That X-Factor guy? Isn’t he… kinda old?”
Victor was unable to keep his annoyed sigh behind his lips. “I’ve spent the last three years trying to convince him that he’s not too old and that I’m not too young. Anyway, it’s not a date.”
“But you wish it was,” Megan said teasingly.
“I just have to take my time with him. He’s got serious issues.”