G.I. Joe Spytroopers: A Reaction

Jan 20, 2006 12:10

Title: G.I. Joes Spytroopers: A Reaction
Rating: PG
Universe: G.I. Joe
Summery: Because the movie was so godawful, it had to be done.


Jason Clark and K.A. Maples

[[ The following was received from a wire tap from Destro Castle, Scotland.]]

BARONESS: God, zhis iz awful.

DESTRO: But that is the most accurate portrayal of Cobra Commander I've ever seen.

BARONESS:Aye, zhat it iz. Just vatching him makes my head hurt.

DESTROY: We talk, he doesn't listen.

BARONESS: He remindz me of my three year old nephew.

DESTRO: Storm Shadow has never used a gun in all the years I've seen him in action.


BARONESS: Vell, zhat vas practically pulled from a bad kung fu movie.... Und Scarlette talks too much.


BARONESS: Tell me I don't zound like zhat.

DESTRO: They got Keanu Reevs to voice Beachhead. 'Dude, it's lie, dude.'

BARONESS: *laughs* Zeh Joes vere right. Zeh parot does a perfect impersonation of Cobra Commander.

DESTRO: *Laughing* And they made Zartan Cobra Commander's Lap dog. I say we sent those unwashed Dreadknocks a copy and watch Zartan's head implode.

BARONESS: Zhat vill be more entertaining than zhis peice of drivel. Haff you ever heard Shipwreck spout off like that?

DESTRO: I see the writers learned explosives from Looney Toons. A tank making a tunnel? preposterous.

BARONESS: Und zeh troups learned to shoot from zeh storm troupers from Star Vars.

DESTRO: And the pluck their eyeballs out before they aim.

BARONESS: How *did* Cobra Commander become our leader, anyvay?

DESTRO: Large Suitcases stuffed with hundred dollar bills. I just supply him with weapons.

BARONESS: How does he *ztay* in charge? Vhy have the troups not mutinied?

DESTRO: I try not to think about it.

BARONESS: Mindbender iz zuch a tool.

DESTRO: I can't believe they have me asking for that technology. If I want it, I steal it, improve it and make it myself.

BARONESS: Tanks do not move zhat fast.

DESTRO: And I don't talk like that.

BARONESS: Zhat punch should haff broken Duke's hand.

DESTRO: That old cliche gas grenade?

BARONESS: Pah. I vhold haff killed her vhile she vas coughing. Rip her hair out by the roots and throw her over the rail!

DESTRO: *mocking voice* The mountain will explode in 3 seconds! ten minuets later it's still blowing up.

BARONESS: Oh god. Not zhat awful theme music...

DESTRO: Cobra Commander at the end of that was actually pretty accurate. Hold on, hold on. Rewind that. Did they Voice credit Snake-eyes?

BARONESS: Yes, zhey did.

DESTRO: That has to be the easiest job in Hollywood. Memorizing Snake-eye’s lines

BARONESS: Ve must find zeh people who made this. And kill them.

[The sound of a door being kicked in]

COBRA COMMANDER: They turned me into some sort of a bafoon! I want the people who made that movie found and I want them killed! A lot!

gi joe

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